Furnaces and wet benches Savitha P
Metal annealing furnace – No “gold contaminated substrates” Different tubes will be provided for people worried about contamination in Tempress Talking to different people for new furnaces TEOS installed, having problems stabilizing temperature and pressure – Talking to First Nano – Going to SITAR Trials to be started for B doping using Boron nitride Furnaces - update
Some success in etching deep trenches using wet etch Placed order for new wet bench for HF vaporiser Wet Benches & Inline characterization
Beaker – on – a - stick Plating bench Needs 600ml of electrolyte to plate a 150mm wafer, Uniformity +/-5% The wafer plating holder has multiple Micropogo™ contacts within the contact seal This sealed contact design prevents plating from occurring on the contact points.
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