Reduce compaction Reduce thatch Smooth surface REASONS TO CULTIVATE TURF
Reduce thatch and compaction Improves air exchange Increases roots and MO activity BENEFITS OF AERIFICATION
Punching holes in the ground Can be done anytime of year Golf courses do it at least 2x/year AERIFICATION (ALSO CALLED CORING)
0.25” to 1.0” diameter tines 3” penetration AERIFICATION (ALSO CALLED CORING)
Used to aerify lawns Takes less time Spoon tines ROLLER AERIFIER
Does not penetrate very deep ROLLER AERIFIER
Most effective Action Action PISTON AERIFIER
High-maintenance turf PISTON AERIFIER
Opens soil without removing core Less disruptive, less effective SOLID TINES
Increases air exchange Short term relief SOLID TINES
Pop core out of the hole Cores can be removed (harvested) Cores can be removed (harvested) HOLLOW TINES
OR, the cores can be left on the surface to work back into thatch layer Increases MO activity to reduce thatch Brake up cores with a drag mat HOLLOW TINES
The holes can be left open to gradually fill back in CORING HOLES
OR, the holes can be filled with sand CORING HOLES
Penetrates up to 10” Deep tine video Deep tine video DEEP-TINE AERIFICATION
Solid tines “kick” to loosen soil DEEP-TINE AERIFICATION
Encourages deep root growth Breaks up compacted layer below 3” depth of standard DEEP-TINE AERIFICATION
Hollow tines can be more destructive DEEP-TINE AERIFICATION
10” drill bits Can fill holes along with aerifying DEEP-DRILL AERIFIER (FLOYD-MCKAY)
Firing streams of water 3” to 8” into soil 5000 psi, 600 mph WATER INJECTION AERIFIER
Little disruption to surface and little stress on turf Excellent supplement during high temps Not a replacement for coring WATER INJECTION AERIFIER
Injecting columns of sand into green Aerify without coring DRYJECT
Very little disruption Green ready in one hour DRYJECT
Primary effectiveness is preventing thatch build-up Blades nick soil surface to remove thatch Recommended in spring only Allow turf to recover DETHATCHING
Destructive process that pulls up thatch and some crown and roots Allow 30 days of recovery weather DETHATCHING
One pass on centipede and St. Augustine Multiple passes on bermuda and zoysia Rhizomes DETHATCHING
Fine dethatchers for golf greens Much less disruptive on closely mowed turf VERTICUTTING
Pulls out thatch Needs to be done more frequently THATCH RAKE
Dethatching blades that do not spin Does not aerify or dethatch SPIKING SPIKING (OR SLICING)
Improves drainage Severs stolons to stimulate lateral growth SPIKING, OR SLICING
Applying thin layer of soil over turf Sand, sand with peat, soil, crumb rubber TOPDRESSING
Modifies soil Reduces thatch TOPDRESSING
Brush in Brush in Smoothes the surface Greens and athletic fields TOPDRESSING
Avoid layering Use same, or coarser texture, soil If layering exists, aerify! TOPDRESSING
High quality turf: light, frequent applications Sweeping works sand into surface TOPDRESSING
Lawns can tolerate heavier topdressing and grow through it
Smooth putting surface Faster greens ROLLING