New and In-Process Software Capabilities Status Update to AIM FRB New and In-Process Software Capabilities Status Update to AIM FRB Danette Likens and Jamie Stewart, AIM ISD Support Aug 11
Overview Summary of AIM I and AIM II 5.0 Functionality ‒ Demo of selected Functionality Summary of CPM 5.0 ‒ Demo of selected Functionality Summary of LO Module 5.0 Functionality ‒ Demo of selected Functionality Summary of in-process software capabilities ‒ CPM ‒ LO Module ‒ AIM I ‒ AIM II Discussion of potential future capabilities
Summary of AIM I/II in Rel 5.0 FRB Prioritized ACRs ‒Supporting AIM I and AIM II Include: ‒AIM II Content Comparison Report/Chg PkgAIM II Content Comparison Report/Chg Pkg ‒AIM I Exercise Controller Guide support ‒AIM II Associated Curriculum DocumentsAIM II Associated Curriculum Documents Numerous Smaller Items: ‒Ease of Use NETC specific items (mostly related to TPP) Note: Details of functionality in backup slides (time permitting).
Summary of AIM I/II in Rel 5.0 (contd) Some other items include: ‒Standardized Introduction DP’s (Establish contact, etc.) ‒Enhanced COI Split/Join Unit Topic functionality Select EO, click “Join EO”, select another EO (even from another TO) ‒Spell check – Course, Module, Lesson, Section Note: Details of functionality in backup slides (time permitting).
Summary of CPM Rel 5.0 NLOS search capability More ISD Considerations items support IMDP report TPP Modification/Cancelation Warn to Save before Exit Select All for checkbox functionality JDTA Enhancements ‒Copy and link/paste (in Project tab, too) ‒Search – Condition, Standard, Source Note: Details of functionality in backup slides (time permitting).
OCCSTDS Support in CPM How did we get here?: –Started with NETC N74/NAVMAC discussions –AIM Team Provided a CPM “sandbox” for NAVMAC familiarization –NAVMAC developed an OCCSTDS Storybook PPT to describe high-level functionality –Initial OCCSTDS tab implementation in Rel 5.0 for creation/management of OCCSTDS data by NAVMAC – crawl functionality Working toward business rule definition of: –How OCCSTDS data pulls forward into JDTA tab –Life-cycle impacts of OCCSTDS revisions on JDTA-based learning content
Summary of LO Module Rel 5.0 Spell check – Course, Module, Lesson, Section Sub-DPs for ILT (with RIAs) Before and after text for RRL links Update from EDE (no data loss) Copy and paste elements and resources Note: Details of functionality in backup slides (time permitting).
Summary of In-Process Functionality FEA support in CPM NETC tasked and funded priorities NAVSPECWARCEN funded AIM II enhancements MT Continuum lessons learned – ACRs in process Note: Details of functionality in backup slides (time permitting).
NAVEDTRA 139 Driving Changes to CPM - Post 5.0 NAVEDTRA 139 FEA Policy driving CPM functional requirements – FEA – Early screen prototypes under development to be screened by NETC later this summer Note: BCA support in CPM to follow.
Upcoming Tasked/Funded Changes Course Master Schedule (CMS) re-engineering per NETC N7/AIM FRB working group AIM Change Request Improved semi-automated functionality for repurposing traditional AIM LP/TG content curricula into LO Module * CTTL Report Capability in CPM Selection of traditional CTTL (and other tiered data) for semi-automated pre-conference population of JDTA data LP/TG portion marking to support classified curricula and supporting documents * Multiple DP, RIA, RRL tiered items at the same time.
Upcoming Tasked/Funded Changes (contd) Center-based filtering of selections in CPM CPM ‘gatekeeper’ functionality to reduce duplication and promote standardization Interfaces with BAH Atlas Pro toolset (LMS / ROCCE / Assessment Engine / Survey Engine) AIM II Modification TPP Migration from SQL Server to Oracle as backend database to leverage Navy enterprise license
Discussion of Potential Functionality Test Plan –Needs updating in AIM I and AIM II to support NAVEDTRA 132 requirement – Have input from CPPD which is a good start on potential ACR –Not covered in CPM/LO Module* Sub-elements in LO Module for self-paced rather than just ILT ‒How many levels? ‒LO Module ILT supports 4 total * Test Plan was not part of CPM/LO Module design, the thought at that time was that all test work would be done in QM Perception.
Backup Slides
Summary of AIM I/II ACRs in Rel 5.0
Summary of AIM I/II ACRs in Rel 5.0 (contd)
Summary of CPM/LO Module Enhancements in Rel 4.1
Summary of CPM/LO Module Enhancements in Rel 4.1 (contd)
Summary of CPM/LO Module Enhancements in Rel 5.0
Summary of CPM/LO Module Enhancements in Rel 5.0 (contd)