Floriculture Plant Identification M-R
175 Marnata leuconeura var. kerchoviana Prayer Plant Other names: rabbit tracks Colors: light & dark green w/a tint of red or white sometimes; little white flower Characteristics: leaves are velvety & dark black green w/ brilliant green irregular zones along the middle, it has bright pink and red veins as well Type of plant: houseplant Size: 9-18” tall Growth requirements: moderate wate
175 Marnata leuconeura var. kerchoviana Prayer Plant
176 Matthiola incana cv. Flowering Stock Other names: common stock Colors: white, yellow, pink, blue, orange, a darker rosy pink and a lighter pink Characteristics: long thin stem with three to four leaves encircling it; dozens of little flowers that resemble snap dragons Type of plant: cut flower Size: 12-18” tall Growth requirements: full sun; average water
176 Matthiola incana cv. Flowering Stock
177 Monstera deliciosa Cutleaf “Philodendron” Other names: Swiss cheese plant, Mexican bread fruit Colors: green/ cream/ tan Characteristics: large leaves with large cuts along the sides of each Type of plant: houseplant Size: 30-40’ tall Growth requirements: light shade, average water
177 Monstera deliciosa Cutleaf “Philodendron”
178 Narcissus pseudonarcissus cv. Daffodil Other names: Narcissus Colors: yellow, cream, orange center Characteristics: petals surrounding a cup shaped center Type of plant: bulb; cut flower Size: 6-12” tall Growth requirements: full sun, average water Other: low maintenance plant
178 Narcissus pseudonarcissus cv. Daffodil
179 Neoregelia carolinae ‘Tricolor’ Bromeliad Other names: Colors: green variegated, red center Characteristics: flowers appear in the center of a rosette of leaves; inner leaves bright red even before flowers appear Type of plant: houseplant Size: 12-24” tall Growth requirements: bright indirect light; up to 70 degrees F
179 Neoregelia carolinae ‘Tricolor’ Bromeliad
180 Nephrolepis exalta cv. Boston Fern Colors: green Characteristics: arching, bright green fronds Type of plant: houseplant Size: up to 5 ft. and 3/4 in. width Growth requirements: low light and high humidity; temp. 70 degrees F--leaves turn yellow if temp. below 55 degrees F Other: stem is located in the soil
180 Nephrolepis exalta cv. Boston Fern
181 Opuntia tribe cv. Cactus Other names: paddle cactus Colors: all brown at first, then become light brown and eventually grayish Characteristics: six to eight radial spines, sometimes more, grow from the areoles Type of plant: cactus Size: flowers-1.25” to 1.5” long Growth requirements: dry, sun Other: origin-Sierras de Cordoba, Argentina.
181 Opuntia tribe cv. Cactus
182 Paeonia cv. Peony Other names: Colors: whites, reds, pinks Characteristics: large showy flower Type of plant: perennial Size: 2-3’ tall Growth requirements: full sun, partial shade Other: flowers last only a week; require little maintenance
182 Paeonia cv. Peony
183 Paphiopedilum x hybrid cv. Ladyslipper Orchid Other names: moccasin flower Colors: various Characteristics: leaves are two-ranked from the ground, leathery, usually about 5 inches long; flower emerges from center whorl with 1-3 flowers Plant type: tropical houseplant; cut flower Size: flower 5” across Growth requirements: day temp. 70F-90F, and night temp. 55F-65 F
183 Paphiopedilum x hybrid cv. Ladyslipper Orchid
184 Pelargonium x domesticum cv. Regal (Martha Washington) Geranium Colors: various—pinks, purples, bicolor Characteristics: many ruffled petals Type of plant: annual Size: 12-18” tall Growth requirements: semi-shade Other: showy
184 Pelargonium x domesticum cv. Regal (Martha Washington) Geranium
185 Pelargonium x hortorum cv. (Zonal) Geranium Other names: Colors: red, pink, salmon, and white Characteristics: dark ring appears on leaves in brown or red Type of plant: annual Size:12-15 inches tall Growth requirements: full sun
185 Pelargonium x hortorum cv. (Zonal) Geranium
186 Pelargonium peltatum cv. Ivy Geranium Other names: hanging geranium Colors: lavender, magenta, pink, red, white Characteristics: Smooth, leathery ivy shaped leaves; ivy shaped leaves and vine-like growth habits Type of plant: annual Size: 3 or more feet in length Growth requirements: cool temps.
186 Pelargonium peltatum cv. Ivy Geranium
187 Peperomia argyreia Watermelon Peperomia Colors: green variegation Characteristics: Dark green, heart-shaped leaves have silver streaks Leaves are perched on red stems Type of plant: houseplant Size: 6-12” tall Growth requirements: partial shade; normal water Other: Streaks cause optical illusion that make leaves look like small fruits
187 Peperomia argyreia Watermelon Peperomia
188 Peperomia caperata Emerald Ripple Peperomia Colors: dark green Characteristics: Thin, dark green leaves appear to be crumpled like a relief map Type of plant: houseplant Size: 6-12” tall Growth requirements: tolerant of light and temperature Other: from Central and South America; humid areas
188 Peperomia caperata Emerald Ripple Peperomia
189 Peperomia obtusifolia ‘Variegata’ Variegated Peperomia Other names: variegated pepper face Colors: green/ yellow variegation Characteristics: leaves are oblong and waxy, notched at the tip and attached to a reddish stem, marked w/ cream and white Type of plant: houseplant Size: 1’ Growth requirements: partial shade, normal water needs
189 Peperomia obtusifolia ‘Variegata’ Variegated Peperomia
190 Petunia x hybrida cv. Common Garden Petunia Colors: various Characteristics: funnel shaped flowers; tiny, sticky hairs cover leaves and stems Type of plant: annual bedding plant Size: 12-15” tall; 2.5-4” inches across a single bloom Growth requirements: full sun, av. water Other: blooms all season
190 Petunia x hybrida cv. Common Garden Petunia
191 Phalaenopsis cv. Phalaenopsis (Butterfly) Orchid Other names: moth orchid Colors: pink,white,yellow,red,and spotted and stripped varieties Characteristics: looks like a butterfly Type of plant: houseplant; cut flower Size: 2-5” flower Growth requirements: Other: 50 species
191 Phalaenopsis cv. Phalaenopsis (Butterfly) Orchid
192 Philodendron scandens oxycardium Heartleaf Philodendron Colors: dark green Characteristics: large, heart-shaped glossy, leaves, vining Type of plant: houseplant Size: can get 4-5’ long Growth requirements:
192 Philodendron scandens oxycardium Heartleaf Philodendron
193 Pilea cadierei Aluminum Plant Colors: green/white variegation Characteristics: Type of plant: houseplant Size: 6-12” long Growth requirements: medium and in high humidity conditions Other: very closely related to the Artillery Plant and the Friendship Plant
193 Pilea cadierei Aluminum Plant
194 Pilea involucrata Friendship Plant Colors: green Characteristics: oval shaped leaves with ruffled edges; veins are often dark green; small pink flowers in small clusters Type of plant: houseplant Size: 6-12” tall Growth requirements: Other: showy
194 Pilea involucrata Friendship Plant
195 Pilea microphylla Artillery Plant Colors: pink, white, near white Characteristics: Type of plant: ground cover; houseplant Size: 12-18” tall Growth requirements: medium light intensity Other: young plants are the most attractive
195 Pilea microphylla Artillery Plant
196 Pilea nummularifolia Creeping Charley Other names: Creeping Jenny Colors: pale to bright green leaves; yellow flowers bloom midsummer Characteristics: coin-shaped, saw-edged, leaves; have a quilted texture Type of plant: houseplant; ground cover Size: 12-18” high Growth requirements: moist soil; shade Other: spreads rapidly; hanging plant
196 Pilea nummularifolia Creeping Charley
197 Plectranthus mummularis Swedish Ivy Colors: leaves green turning purplish Characteristics: Slightly oval, bright green leaves-rounded toothed edges; stems somewhat square, trailing Type of plant: houseplant Size: 24” Growth requirements: moist soil in summer; medium to bright light Other: flowers-small/white, should be removed
197 Plectranthus mummularis Swedish Ivy
198 Polianthes tuberosa Tuberose Colors: white, pinkish; bright green leaves Characteristics: long leaves clustered at the base; smaller, clasping leaves along wiry stem; white, waxy, funnel-shaped flowers clustered at tip of stem Type of plant: cut flower Size: up to 4’ tall Growth requirements: soil well-drained, loamy; sunlight Other: extremely fragrant flower used in perfume industry
198 Polianthes tuberosa Tuberose
199 Primula x polyanthus cv. Polyanthus (Primrose) Colors: various Characteristics: large clusters of flowers appear atop 1’ stalks; leaves are egg- shaped and hairy Type of plant: bedding plant Size: 6-12” tall Growth requirements: shade; high water; rich soil
199 Primula x polyanthus cv. Polyanthus (Primrose)
200 Primula malacoides cv. Fairy Primrose Colors: shades of white, lilac, and pink Characteristics: loose clusters of small, delicate flowers at the tops of long, slender stalks; leaves egg shaped with ruffled edges Type of plant: flowering houseplant Size: up to 1’ Growth requirements: cool, moist atmosphere; shade
200 Primula malacoides cv. Fairy Primrose
201 Rhododenron cv. Azalea Colors: various Characteristics: rounded shrub; clusters of flowers; evergreen and deciduous leaves Type of plant: flowering houseplant Size: 20” tall; big as 80ft.-small as 1’’ Growth requirements: little tolerance to heat and drought
201 Rhododenron cv. Azalea
202 Rosa hybrid, Class Hybrid Tea cv. Hybrid Tea Rose Other names: Standard Rose Colors: every color but blue Characteristics: large, shapely, single flowers to stem Type of plant: cut flower Size: up to 3’ tall Growth requirements: cool, shaded Other: modern roses; hundreds of species
202 Rosa hybrid, Class Hybrid Tea cv. Hybrid Tea Rose
203 Rumohra adiantiformis Leatherleaf Fern Colors: dark green Characteristics: long fronds with leaflets Type of plant: cut foliage Size: 15’’ Growth requirements: withstand temperatures as low as 24 degrees F. Other: grows in Western North America
203 Rumohra adiantiformis Leatherleaf Fern