The End of the Chinese Empire and the fall of the Qing Dynasty Republic of China Qing Dynasty of China
explained/ The banner of the Chinese Emperor
RECAP: Western Imperialism in China China loses the Opium Wars to Britain badly (1860) China is humiliated in wars and in the final peace treaties, they loose land and honor The Chinese people vent their anger at foreigners who they can’t beat but now also towards the emperor in the capital city of Beijing
“The Mandate of Heaven” Lived in the “Forbidden City” in Beijing The Mandate of Heaven is based on four principles: 1. The right to rule is granted by heaven. 2. There is only one heaven therefore there can be only one ruler. 3.The right to rule is based on the virtue of the ruler. 4. The right to rule is not limited to one dynasty.
Empress Ci-Xi of China ruled ( ) Cíxǐ Tàihòu In Chinese Known as the Dowager Empress Dowager = endowed, widower Very conservative
Emperor Guangxu ruled (1875 to 1908) The rightful ruler of China but Empress Cixi launched a coup in 1898 and took his place He was only in power 33 years. Beijing Palace 2011
Above the Forbidden City 2010 in Beijing, China
Xuantong Emperor ruled ( ) His name was Puyi He was the “Last Emperor” of China His fall ended the monarchy 221 BC was the first emperor of China! – the Qin dynasty The name for China is thought to come from “Qin”. That means China had emperors over 2000 years!
Internal Problems increase in China ( ) Population boom, but food production doesn’t increase Widespread hunger Bad flooding on the Yellow River Government corruption Opium addiction steadily increased
Open Door Policy U.S. fears being left out of China. China is a huge Market. U.S. declares an Open Door Policy in Any Nation may trade anywhere in China. This Prevented China from being divided into colonies like most countries in… Africa and many in Southeast Asia.
Boxer Rebellion- Year 1900 Chinese Nationalism grows… Why? A campaign against Empress’ rule and foreigner’s special privileges and western culture Named Secret Society of Harmonious Fists / The Boxers
Boxer Rebellion (in 1900) Chinese cry “Death to the Foreign Devils” The boxers siege of Beijing Empress Cixi verbally supports, but gives no military help August, 1900: multinational force of 20,000 Western troops quickly defeats the Boxers Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States all send troops- 8 NATION ALLIANCE Rebellion was crushed and China was forced to pay reparations
8 Nations Alliance The 8 Nations were: Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States
in TIBET (Br.) Yangzi River (Br.) Manchuria
Answer: Britain, France, Russia, Netherlands (Dutch), Japan What 5 countries attacked China from ?
The Republic of China is born Dr. Sun Yat Sen leads China’s people to overthrow the Qing dynasty in Beijing in the Xinhai Revolution in 1911 The Republic of China is declared in on January 1 st, 1912 Dr. Sun serves as the first President of the Republic of China Three Principles of the People Nationalism -Westerners out! China is run by the Chinese for the Chinese Democracy – China is run by it’s people, free elections Social Welfare- Economic stability for all, Socialism
The Meaning of the new Flag – Five horizontal stripes Han People Manchu People Mongol People Uyghur People Tibetan People Flag of China From The Republic of China is founded in 1912
Can you think of some similar flags? GermanyMauritius
再 見 I wish you much success in your studies in the Year of the Dragon!
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