Plant ID Week 7
1 Betula nigra COMMON NAME: River Birch Deciduous, Medium size tree FOLIAGE: Alternate, simple leaves, doubly serrate margin, diamond shaped leaves FLOWERS: Flowers are catkins ***Peeling bark***
2 Liquidambar styraciflua COMMON NAME: Sweetgum Deciduous large tree, 60 to 80’ tall FOLIAGE: Alternate “maple-like” star shaped leaves, 5 to 7 lobed FRUIT: **Spiny balls**
3 Magnolia grandiflora COMMON NAME: Southern Magnolia Large evergreen tree, 60 to 80’ tall FOLIAGE: Large leaf, Dark green and pubescent on underside FLOWERS: **Very Large white flowers up to 12” diameter**, saucer shaped, spring Fruit: Red berries
4 Pinus strobus COMMON NAME: Eastern White Pine Evergreen tree 60’-80’ tall 25’-45’ wide FOLIAGE: light bluish- green,**needles** in groups of 5’s, serrated margins FRUIT: light brown **cones**
5 Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine Evergreen tree 60’-90’ tall 50’-60’ wide Needles occur in groups of three, and are 4½-9" long. Sun Valued in the forest industry