But for your dollar, your dirty dollar, Your greenish leprosy, It’s only hatred you shall get From all my folks and me; So keep your dollar where it belongs And let us be!
Nicaragua Revolution. Part of the Cold War. Nicaragua, a desperately poor country with a population then of about 3 million. 1980 when it all began.
But the good folk grew sulky Because I would not pay A compliment to the Springtime In the New England day; And they murmured because I wanted To pack my things and run away.
Between both of the songs there is a similar between both of them. In the beginning of A song for Wall Street the author is talking about how their town was attacked then money was made and got involved with everything. In the second poem he says he would not pay because all he wants is just to go home.
A Song for Wall Street: Well, everybody got a story to tell and everybody ‘s got a wound to be healed I want to believe there’s beauty here So, I guess you’re tired of holding on I cant let go, I cant move on I want to believe there’s meaning here. The Secret: How many times have you heard me cry out “God please take this”? How many times have you given me strength to just keep breathing? Oh I need you God, I need you now.
The meaning of this song relates to the poem because what the author wrote it seem like he need help. God Is always there for anybody who is in trouble.
The connection between the song and the poem is very similar. The song is describing how God will always be there. In the poem there is a war that is going on and everybody is going to need the help they will need.
"Nicaragua Revolution." Monagabay.com Web. 14 Apr "Nicaragua Revolution." Nicaraguan Revolution. n.d. Web. 14 Apr Butler, Rhett A. Nicaragua-history Web. 24 Apr "Nicaragua Revolution." Nicaraguan Revolution. n.d. Web. 14 Apr “Need you know lyrics by: Plumb." Lyrics Mania. N.p., Web. 24 Apr Need you now. Writ. Tiffany A. Lee Plumbartist. Web. 24 Apr