Amit Patel Project Officer (IPR/Patent)
Contents Form 1 (Application for Patent) Form 2 (Provisional/Complete Specification) Form 3 (Statement and Undertaking)
Form 1 Application for Patent
Form 1 (Application for Patent) 1. APPLICANT(S) – (Rights goes to Applicant) a. Name b. Nationality c. Address 2. INVENTOR(S) a. Name b. Nationality c. Address 3. TITLE OF THE INVENTION
Form 1 (Application for Patent) 4. ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE OF APPLICANT /AUTHORIZED PATENT AGENT IN INDIA a. Telephone No: b. Fax No: c. Mobile No: d Declaration by the inventor (s) (a) Date (b) Signature(s) of the inventor(s) (c) Name(s)
Form 1 (Application for Patent) 6. Declaration by the applicant(s) in the convention country (a) Date (b) Signature(s) of the applicant(s) (c) Name(s) 7. Following are the attachments with the application: (a) Provisional specification/Complete specification (b) Drawings (c) Statement and undertaking on Form 3 Fee Rs ………… Cash/Cheque/Bank Draft bearing no………………… payable to the "Controller of Patents"
Form 2 Provisional/Complete Specification
Form 2 (Provisional/Complete Specification) 1. TITLE OF THE INVENTION 2. APPLICANT(S) a) Name: b) Nationality: c) Address: 3. PREAMBLE TO THE DESCRIPTION a. PROVISIONAL : The following specification describes the invention. b. COMPLETE : The following specification particularly describes the invention and the manner in which it is to be performed.
Form 2 (Provisional/Complete Specification) 4. DESCRIPTION (Description shall start from newer page) a. Field of Application b. Prior Art/Background of the Invention c. Summary of the Invention d. Objects of Invention e. Drawings f. Description of Invention g. Examples h. Claims (Not required for Provisional Application)
Form 3 Statement and Undertaking
Form 3 (Statement and Undertaking) 1. Namely of the applicant(s). I /We …………………… hereby declare: 2. Name, address and nationality of the joint applicant 1. that I /We have not made any application for the same /substantially the same invention outside India. 3. Name and address of the assignee that the rights in the application(s) has /have been assigned to that I /We undertake that upto the date of grant of the patent by the Controller, I /We would keep him informed in writing the details regarding corresponding applications for patents filed outside India within three months from the date of filing of such application. Dated this………… of…………..20………….
To be signed by the applicant Signature …….. Name of the natural person who has signed (…………………………………) To The Controller of Patents, The Patent Office, At……………………….