Creative Inventions and Robotics Order vs. Chaos
Why is it important to organize materials and computer files? Order vs. Chaos
Why is it important to organize materials and computer files? Who will find the needed parts first? Builder #1 Builder #2 Order vs. Chaos
Why is it important to organize materials and computer files? Who will get the most customers? Order vs. Chaos
Set up your work folders. documents Desktop your name yourname-lab-book.ppt yourname-web-page.html C: or Hard Drive images cat.jpg ball.gif song.wav movie.wmv Never leave your files on the desktop. Files left on the desktop will get deleted.
File Structure File Names 1)Use long descriptive, hierarchal names like Bad:file.html Good:school-date-name-description.html 2)Use all lower case text. (Unix vs. Windows) 3)Use “-” between words. Do not use “_” or “ “ Bad:biy_hot_shot.html biy_hot_shot.html Bad:biy hot shot.html Good: biy-hot-shot.html
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File Structure Folders Web Site index.html Section 1 Section ‘n’ Sec1 Imagessec-1.htmlsec-n.html Sec1 Images