Cat Career Tracks for On-Campus Employers and Departments
Cat Career Tracks is NMU Career Services' web system. This easy-to-use system allows students, alumni, and employers to manage employment- related functions like job postings, resumes, recruiting, and more.
Cat Career Tracks for Students Students and Alumni: Search and apply for job opportunities online 24/7 Manage multiple resumes, cover letters, and other employment- related documents Sign up for on-campus interviews View and RSVP for job fairs, workshops and other career events
For Students
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Uploading Documents
Cat Career Tracks for Employers Visit one centralized online location to post and manage an unlimited number of jobs Set parameters for your job openings Receive reminders when a student applies for jobs and when a posting is about to expire Full access to search for participating students and download their resumes Manage student applicants for on-campus interviews Register online for career events like job fairs
Search for your department in this format: NMU- Dean of Students (make sure to include the dash and the space!)
Fill out your job posting as much or as little as you need. Make sure to be clear on how you’d like students to apply, and whether or not work study is required.
If you are allowing students to apply online, the system default is to require a resume. When requiring a resume, please note that some students may need to upload their resume and have it approved by our office before they are able to apply online. Keep that in mind when choosing your deadline. However, you can also give them the option to drop off a paper copy to your office instead. Just make sure to note that in the ‘How to Apply” section. We can remove the resume requirement for you; we will base this on the information you have listed in the “How to Apply” section of the posting. However, please note that if you do not require a resume, you WILL NOT get an when the student applies. You will have to log in to Cat Career Tracks to view all applications.
Clicking “Register” under the “Job Fairs…” tab will take you through the registration process. Make sure to include all attending recruiters, as some of our job fairs include lunch! After your registration is approved by our office, you will receive a confirmation packet with information about the event. Interested in attending a job fair? We’d love to see you there!
QUESTIONS? CONTACT US! CAREER SERVICES C.B. Hedgcock | This presentation is available online: