Professional Development: 20 Things You Can Do !!! Dr. Desmond Thomas, International Academy, University of Essex
1: Develop ‘professionalism’ Professional development ‘backwards’ means : Not just being a brilliant teacher technically but supporting and respecting students Actively supporting colleagues and acting as a team member Actively supporting an institution Dealing with situations: eg students come to you and complain about a colleague
2:Network with colleagues ELTECS & British Council TESL Dave’s Internet Cafe Facebook groups
3: Join a Professional Organization IATEFL & IATEFL SIGS TESOL BALEAP
4: Get an extra qualification DELTA awards/delta.html PGCE training-options/pgce.aspx Or even a PhD ???
5: Read – not just books but... Academic Journals: ELTJ, TESOL Quarterly, JEAP Practice-based journals: Modern English Teacher, The Teacher Trainer Newspapers: EL Gazette Blogs: tefl-blogs.html tefl-blogs.html
6:Get published! Book reviews: MET EL Gazette: Conference papers On-line journals:
7: Present at conferences BALEAP: Every two years BALEAP PIMS: several times a year IATEFL: Annually IATEFL Associates: annual conferences in many different countries IATEFL SIGs: several times a year? BAAL:
8: Do research Literature overviews? Feedback surveys? Research papers for journals? Consultancy research? A PhD project?
9: Become an examiner IELTS: Cambridge ESOL:
10:Expand your horizons outside TESOL Education? Linguistics? Psychology? Sociology? Anthropology? Politics?
11: Keep a reflective diary
12: Peer observation
13: Gain Trainer Experience
14: Gain managerial experience
15: Develop your IT and MM skills Microsoft Powerpoint Endnote & Zotero: for bibliographical databases SPSS: for statistical analysis NVivo: for qualitative data analysis Audio & video recording Audio & video editing
16: Work in a new country internships/china/?source=n%20- %20UK%20TEFL_Internships%20- %20China_teach%20english%20in%20china _Exact&gclid=CLWNwu244qcCFYob4QodeU 9G9w My own experience: Brazil, Japan, Spain, Turkey, Slovakia, Bulgaria etc.
17: Do voluntary work ancies/voluntary_work.shtmhttp:// ancies/voluntary_work.shtm
18: Keep records of everything!
19: Take a few risks
20: Make a Career Plan