HOLIDAYS Kim Goschinski Jessica Neuhardt ED
Unit/lesson: Holidays Grade: 1st Next Table of Contents
n n History History – –ActivitiesActivities – –WebsitesWebsites n n People in Societies People in Societies – –ActivitiesActivities – –WebsitesWebsites n n Geography Geography – –ActivitiesActivities – –WebsitesWebsites n n Economics Economics – –ActivitiesActivities – –WebsitesWebsites n Government Government –ActivitiesActivities –WebsitesWebsites n Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities –ActivitiesActivities –WebsitesWebsites n Social Studies Skills and Methods Social Studies Skills and Methods –ActivitiesActivities –WebsitesWebsites Table of Contents Next
History Standard Students use materials drawn from the diversity of human experience to analyze and interpret significant events, patterns and themes in the history of Ohio, the United States and the world. Next Table of Contents
History Activities n Christmas- Have students watch the Disney version of “A Christmas Carol” and compare how Christmas was celebrated in the past is different from how it is celebrated now. n Halloween- Have students interview an older adult. They should ask questions about how they celebrated Halloween. n Hanukkah- Hand students the Hanukkah scavenger hunt sheet and allow them time to fill it out. For the questions that they can’t answer, allow they time to search the internet for the answers. n Kwanzaa- Have the students write a story about the history of Kwanzaa and how it is currently celebrated. n St. Patrick's Day- Read a story to the students about the history of the holiday and have them draw an illustration of their favorite part. n Valentine’s Day- Students work in pairs and create true and false cards about Valentine’s Day facts. Next Table of Contents
History Websites n Christmas: A Christmas Carol Website n Halloween: Teacher Vision Website events/printable/7206.html?detoured=1 events/printable/7206.html?detoured=1 events/printable/7206.html?detoured=1 n Hanukkah: Education World-Hanukah Traditions n Kwanzaa: Education World-History of Kwanzaa n St. Patrick’s Day: Wilstar website-St. Patrick’s Day Customs n Valentine’s Day: I love India Website-Valentine facts fact.html fact.html fact.html fact.html Next Table of Contents
People in Societies Standard Students use knowledge of perspectives, practices and products of cultural, ethnic and social groups to analyze the impact of their commonality and diversity within local, national, regional and global settings. Next Table of Contents
People in Societies Activities n Christmas: Have students make their own dictionaries of the way “Merry Christmas” is said in different languages. n Halloween: Read “Pablo Remembers: The Fiesta of the Day of the Dead” by George Ancona and “John Pig's Halloween” by Jan L. Waldron to the students. Discuss the similarities and differences between these two holidays. n Hanukkah: Bring a Dreidel in to the classroom. Allow the students to play the game and have them compare this to other games that are played during other holidays. n Kwanzaa: Students create a collage of Kwanzaa symbols and people celebrating the holiday. n St. Patrick’s Day: Have students wear the color green and wear shamrocks. Discuss the Irish customs of St. Patrick’s Day. n Valentine’s Day: Create Valentine Day cards to share with others. Next Table of Contents
People in Societies Websites n Christmas: Santa’s Net Website n Halloween: Teacher Vision Website plan/3183.html?detoured=1 plan/3183.html?detoured=1http:// plan/3183.html?detoured=1http:// plan/3183.html?detoured=1 n Hanukkah: How to play a game of Driedel n Kwanzaa: Sites 4 teachers website-Kwanzaa rituals n St. Patrick’s Day: National Geographic-Kids News n Valentine’s Day: Family Fun Website crafts/season/specialfeature/valentines_cards_ms/ crafts/season/specialfeature/valentines_cards_ms/ crafts/season/specialfeature/valentines_cards_ms/ crafts/season/specialfeature/valentines_cards_ms/ Next Table of Contents
Geography Standard Students use knowledge of geographic locations, patterns and processes to show the interrelationship between the physical environment and human activity, and to explain the interactions that occur in an increasingly interdependent world. Next Table of Contents
Geography Activities n Christmas: Have students draw a map of the school and design a route for Santa to follow in order to deliver gifts to the classrooms. n Halloween: Take students to a corn maze. Discuss with them how navigating a maze is like navigating through the streets of their community. n Hanukkah: Have students draw a map of Israel, which is where Hanukkah originated from. n Kwanzaa: Print a coloring book of African countries for Kwanzaa. When you're done, locate the countries on a map of Africa, then label and color them. n St Patrick’s Day: Have student’s paint a picture of Ireland, identifying and describing the physical features of the country. n Valentine’s Day: Research all the different cities in the US that have a name that has something to do with valentine's day. Have the children write the city on the heart and then place it on the map. Next Table of Contents
Geography Websites n Christmas: United States Government Services Website n Halloween: Rocky Mountain Mapping Center Hanukkah: Merriam-Webster Online Hanukkah: Merriam-Webster Online n Kwanzaa: Enchanted Learning Website n St. Patrick’s Day: Discover Ireland Website experience/ experience/ experience/ experience/ n Valentine’s Day: Lesson Plans Page Website BulBoardAndGeography23.htm BulBoardAndGeography23.htmhttp:// BulBoardAndGeography23.htmhttp:// BulBoardAndGeography23.htm Next Table of Contents
Economics Standard Students use economic reasoning skills and knowledge of major economic concepts, issues and systems in order to make informed choices as producers, consumers, savers, investors, workers and citizens in an interdependent world. Next Table of Contents
Economics Activities n Christmas: Have students design postal stamps for Christmas. n Halloween: Read “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” by Laura Joffee Numeroff to the students. Discuss what wants and needs are. As a class, write a unlimited-wants story with a Halloween theme. n Hanukkah: Set up a grocery store and kitchen as two centers in the classroom. Have examples (with price tags on them) of the ingredients used to make Hanukkah cookies available for the students to play with. n Kwanzaa: Read aloud to students about ujamaa in Kwanzaa Fun or Seven Candles of Kwanzaa. Ask the students to tell what ujamaa means (cooperative economics—working together to meet financial needs). n St. Patrick’s Day: Have a bake sale with a variety of green foods and traditional Irish recipes. n Valentine’s Day: Students will set up a flower shop and learn about the supply and demand. Next Table of Contents
Economics Websites n Christmas: Education Place Website s.html s.html s.html n Halloween: Economics Education Website n Hanukkah: About-Hanukkah shaped cookies for kids n Kwanzaa: Learning to Give Website n St. Patrick’s Day: Ireland’s Eye Website n Valentine’s Day: Hummingbird Educational Resources Website Next Table of Contents
Government Standard Students use knowledge of the purposes, structures and processes of political systems at the local, state, national and international levels to understand that people create systems of government as structures of power and authority to provide order, maintain stability and promote the general welfare. Next Table of Contents
Government Activities n Christmas: Read “The Night before Christmas” to the students. Have them write their own versions of the story in the style of their state, including all of the state symbols. n Halloween: Have students come up with their own safety rules and tips about Halloween. Compare these with the list put out by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. n Hanukkah: Make the recipes for the 8 days of Hanukkah and have children vote on their favorite dish. Record and chart the class results and discuss the importance of voting in a democracy. n Kwanzaa: Each student will develop a written purpose or rule and put it on a scroll. A purpose is something that benefits others. Demonstrate how to make a scroll following the directions in Kwanzaa Fun by Linda Robertson. n St. Patrick’s Day: Create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting the Irish government. n Valentine’s Day: Student’s play What Time is it Mr. Valentine and review the importance of the rules of the game in different settings. Next Table of Contents
Government Websites n Christmas: Pacifcnet-Christmas around the world n Halloween: About-Consumer Product Safety Commission n Hanukkah: Recipes for 8 days of Hanukkah n Kwanzaa: Learning to Give Website n St. Patrick’s Day: Britannica Website n Valentine’s Day: 123 Child Website-Valentine Activities Next Table of Contents
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Standard Students use knowledge of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in order to examine and evaluate civic ideals and to participate in community life and the American democratic system. Next Table of Contents
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activities n Christmas: As a class cooperative effort, have students brainstorm what the many different symbols of Christmas are and discuss each one. n Halloween: Have students create posters warning others to practice safety measures on Halloween. n Hanukkah: Read “The Magic Dreidels: A Hanukkah Story” by Eric A. Kimmel to the students. Have students share experiences they have had with getting a new toy and losing it. n Kwanzaa: Discuss what art and creativity do for a community. As a class, make a traditional woven mat for the feast table in red, green and black for a Kwanzaa celebration. n St. Patrick’s Day: Read “Look What Came from Ireland” by Miles Harvey and discuss the beliefs and symbols of the Irish community and why they are important. n Valentine’s Day: Have student’s create several Valentine Day crafts and choose which one they want to display in the school. Next Table of Contents
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Websites n Christmas: Education World Website n Halloween: Pennsylvania Service learning alliance n Hanukkah: Apples for the teacher website books/the-magic-dreidels.html books/the-magic-dreidels.htmlhttp:// books/the-magic-dreidels.htmlhttp:// books/the-magic-dreidels.html n Kwanzaa: Learning to Give Website n St. Patrick’s Day: Amazon Website Ireland/dp/ /ref=cm_lmf_tit_2/ Ireland/dp/ /ref=cm_lmf_tit_2/ http:// Ireland/dp/ /ref=cm_lmf_tit_2/ http:// Ireland/dp/ /ref=cm_lmf_tit_2/ n Valentine’s Day: DLTK website-valentine crafts Next Table of Contents
Social Studies Skills and Methods Standard Students collect, organize, evaluate and synthesize information from multiple sources to draw logical conclusions. Students communicate this information using appropriate social studies terminology in oral, written or multimedia form and apply what they have learned to societal issues in simulated or real-world settings. Next Table of Contents
Social Studies Skills and Methods Activities n Christmas: Have student compare a picture of a normal day and one of Christmas day using a Venn diagram. n Halloween: Have students create their own “Choose Your Adventure” story. The topic should relate to Halloween, but students should be allowed to make decisions concerning the main ideas of the story. n Hanukkah: Have students write down their own family traditions that occur during the holidays. Use a Venn diagram to compare these to typical Hanukkah traditions. n Kwanzaa: Students are divided into groups and assigned one of the symbols of Kwanzaa. The students will orally present the information that they have learned about the symbol and it’s relevance to the holiday. n St. Patrick’s Day: Students participate in Gaelic games and discuss the importance of Irish traditions and customs. n Valentine’s Day: Chose a Valentine’s Day themed book and have the students identify the main ideas. Next Table of Contents
Social Studies Skills and Methods Websites n Christmas: Lesson Plans Page Website entIdea23.htm entIdea23.htm entIdea23.htm n Halloween: Planet 5 th Website n Hanukah: The Jewish Children’s Learning Network Website n Kwanzaa: Fun Social Studies Website n St. Patrick’s Day: Family Fun Website tday_sf.html tday_sf.html tday_sf.html n Valentine’s Day: Kids Domain Website-children’s books Table of Contents