9Wana 08 Hui-Tanguru 2013 What we will do What we will learn Preliminaries and roll The importance of starting well Introduce ourselves with a Mihi How to find commonalities with others Revisit the question “What is Science?” What it is that we are learning. If time, read over the objectives of our first unit What we will be able to do at the end of the first few weeks Start examining equipment, what it is called and what it is for What to call the equipment in the lab Find the Science way of drawing equipment How to (quickly) draw our equipment so it can be set up again Set up some gear to (partially) clean some dirty water – and draw that gear How to separate a mixture. How to USE our drawing rules.
Mihi – a way of sharing our backgrounds Birthplace Family name Number of siblings (brothers and sisters) Where I fit (elder, eldest, younger, youngest, middle, second…) My first name My last school
HW item Skills practiced Assignment 9 Due Tues 15 June 12 Circular Motion
Loren’s birthday was on the 16 th of December Important Notice
Paige’s birthday was on the 21 st of December Important Notice
Laura’s birthday was on the Christmas Day Important Notice
Lisa’s birthday was on New Year’s Day Important Notice
Shannon’s birthday was on the 15 th of January Important Notice
Olivia’s birthday was on the 19 th of January Important Notice
Moana’s birthday was on the 23 rd of January Important Notice
Alannah’s birthday is on Valentine’s Day (the 14 th of February) And before next time…