Accessing Dementia Care Services and Support Mary Latter Joint Commissioning Manager (Dementia) Birmingham
WHAT IS DEMENTIA? Dementia is not a disease in itself. Dementia is a word used to describe a group of symptoms that occur when brain cells stop working properly. This happens inside specific areas of the brain, which can affect how you think, remember and communicate.
DEMENTIA- FACTS AND FIGURES There are estimated to be 686,082 people in England with dementia The estimated total cost of dementia in the UK is £26.3 billion with a large proportion of this accounted for by informal care from family/friends.
STRATEGIC DRIVERS The National Dementia Strategy, Living Well with Dementia (2009) Quality Outcomes for People with Dementia: Building on the Work of the National Dementia Strategy (2011) The Prime Minister’s Challenge on Dementia- Delivering Major Improvements in Dementia care and research by 2015
BIRMINGHAM -FACTS AND FIGURES Over million people live in Birmingham. Birmingham is a diverse city Birmingham is a growing city Birmingham is a youthful city
FINANCIAL COST IN BIRMINGHAM 2014 £300 mill 2021 £350 mill
People with dementia said: There is still stigma attached to dementia Its hard to get a diagnosis and it takes a long time Its hard to find out what support is available, and services are uncoordinated They want to stay in own home if possible Carers said: Support for carers is poor and they end up coping alone Its not easy to get respite care
LIVING WELL WITH DEMENTIA I was diagnosed early I am treated with dignity and respect I feel supported as a carer I got the right information, at the right time, in the right way I enjoy life I am able to continue to do the things I enjoy and have opportunities to try new things I feel understood by the professionals who treat me I have choice, control and knowledge of services I feel part of a community and I am inspired to give something back
“and gradually things got worse and it became more and more difficult to get people to pay attention, it seemed that…. The doctors just didn’t seem to know what to do and you’re kind of left to your own devices, just staggering along” Husband talking about getting a diagnosis for his wife
“ so it’s a bit scary, but I’m lucky because I’ve got lovely friends and they’re all there for me, sort of enclosing me in this. My friends are brilliant. They’ll come over to see me and they’ll grab hold of me and they’ll say come on, we’re going out, and I think that’s the best thing you can do” A person with dementia talking about living well.
“I watched a lady on the telly here and they asked her, ‘what’s it like being a carer?’ and she said ‘well obviously, you give everything you can for your partner but the most important thing is, as long as you realise that your life, as you knew it, has now finished, you’ll be fine’. And I sat there and I thought, that woman is so right”. Carer summing up how much his life had changed
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION To get an adult social care assessment (if you are over 65), contact the Adults and Communities Access Point (ACAP) by phone on or by To find out more about Adult Social Care in Birmingham go to Birmingham City Council's social care information and advice website at If you give unpaid/informal care and support to an adult, family member or friend either in their own home or somewhere else (and they live in the Birmingham City Council area) and you want a free carer’s assessment (of your own needs as a carer), call the City Council on or contact Birmingham Carers Hub at To find out more about DISC (Dementia Information and Support for Carers) go to or contact D.I.S.C for more information on To find out more about the Admiral Nursing service go to or ring To find out more about the services offered locally by the Alzheimer’s Society, Google Birmingham alzheimer's society or ring