ICT Electricity Use - Mapping it - Reducing it Chris Cartledge Independent consultant
2 September 2008 © The University of Sheffield Summary Electricity costs high and increasing ICT uses a lot of electricity a Real Cost to your Organisation Estimate the Footprint baseline for cost savings Plan reduced costs save money, reduce CO 2 output Some Sheffield outcomes
2 September 2008 Electricity is expensive University of Sheffield bill nearly £5M £800 per employee increasing by about 20% this year IT electricity is significant even if it is not your budget it is a Real Cost to the Organisation we should ALL be working to minimise it We do need to do the sums
2 September 2008 © The University of Sheffield Official information helps awareness Leaving a computer on overnight for a year creates enough CO 2 to fill a double-decker bus
2 September 2008 © The University of Sheffield But more is needed... A photocopier left on standby overnight wastes enough energy to make 30 cups of tea
2 September 2008 © The University of Sheffield Old posters more readable and still available
2 September 2008 Cost Electricity 10p per unit (per kilowatt hour) perhaps plus VAT (5%)? perhaps plus climate change levy? increasing, so say 12p per unit Air-conditioning in a cooled space 18p per unit
2 September 2008 Cost per year Much equipment is run all year for 365*24 = 8,760 hours nearly 10,000 hours 1 watt of equipment for 10,000 hours uses 10,000 watt hours which is 10 kilowatt hours (units) which costs about £1.20 or air-conditioned, about £1.80
2 September 2008 Your Business Footprint Tool and guidance to help Get list of devices and power use Get time switched on Multiply power by time to get consumption Sum over all the devices Result will be approximate!
2 September 2008 People need to be involved! Local information needed for ROI to measure progress Getting numbers not always easy tool provides typical values People need to be involved Do not strive for too much precision... Point is to change practice
2 September 2008 Getting list of devices Inventory Purchasing records Insurance records Network information DNS tables/ Printer tool (Jetadmin) Survey Questionnaire/ Visits
2 September 2008 Power Use Manufacturer's figures, where they exist Measure devices instantaneously or over a period Use meter readings Remember aircon, UPS
2 September 2008 Keep it simple: At Sheffield No allowance for: manufacture, disposal, consumables franking machines, money counters, laminating machines, lab equipment, etc. outsourced printing work equipment in NHS and commercial units PCs and printers in student bedrooms portable PCs brought onto campus
2 September 2008 Time switched on Most devices mostly idle Survey (a sample) For PCs activity monitors software Monitor equipment Count pages (for printers) Monitor room use (for AV)
2 September 2008 University of Sheffield PCs dominate! Nearly £1M/year About 20% of toral electricity use Ignoring HPC
2 September 2008 Typical Item – PC Uses (with monitor) ~ 100w On all day, £120 electricity per year Over five years, more than capital In use for 40 hours (out of 168) Power down when idle saves 75% Energy efficient PCs save 50% Sheffield doing both... Thin client?
2 September 2008 Typical item – server 1u Dell 1950, 2 Intel X5355, 8 cores Capital cost £4000 (inc VAT) 18 watts (standby) “off” 227 watts idle, 310 watts intense In a machine room ~£600 p/a Electricity over a 5 year life £3,000 More efficient servers save 20% Sheffield specifies low power processors
2 September 2008 Printing strategy Practice differs: 1 printer per senior member of staff Shared printers for all Ratio perhaps from 1 laser printer: 2 staff to 1:5 With 6,000 staff a policy change could save 1,000 printers, £10,000 p/a Better might be a “No Print” strategy
2 September 2008 Typical items - phone Avaya digital phone 1,000 phones from one 1kw cabinet Less than 2 watt/phone, £2 per year Cisco IP phone 5 watts per phone 3 watts per ethernet port (unless shared) 8 watts total, £8 per year Sheffield has about 10,000 phones! has not gone all IP telephony..
2 September 2008 High Performance Computing Expensive Not for everybody Sheffield not big, but growing... Already 14% Efficient servers Campus grid?
2 September 2008 Figures
2 September 2008 Costing Purchases at Sheffield Capital cost + maintenance and support + electricity over lifetime even though it is not ITC budget it is a real cost to the organisation Extra capital to save electricity? rebate from bill payer?
2 September 2008 Some Sheffield Savings More efficient PCs should save ~£200,000 p/a Automated switch off about 23% of PCs saving ~£50,000p/a declining with new PCs to ~£25,000 HPC – High Efficiency processors 60 nodes saving ~£3200p/a Increasing: electricity up 20%
2 September 2008 The future We must press suppliers! energy efficient equipment should not command a premium suppliers will only change if the market requires it!