Washington’s Domestic & Foreign Policy Challenges Essential Skill: Explicitly assess Washington’s domestic and foreign policy decisions, and draw conclusions about the effects of those actions.
Hamilton’s Financial Plan 1) Pay off war debts 2) Raise Government revenues through tariffs TARIFFS – Taxes on goods imported from foreign countries (taxes on exports are unconstitutional) Taxes go to Govt. and encourage people to buy American goods 3) Create a national bank (could also raise revenue through interest)
Control of trans-Appalachian West ( ) Facts: Land claimed by Britain, Spain, U.S., ______________ British forts near Ohio River violated ________________ Battle of _______________: U.S. defeated Shawnee, Ottawa, and Chippewa tribes Foreign Policy Effects: 12 tribes signed Treaty of ___________, giving _______ and Indiana to U.S. British stopped aiding ______________ & left the region
Whiskey Rebellion (1794) Facts: New ________________ on whiskey (Hamilton’s financial plan) PA farmers rebelled (beat tax collectors & threatened _______________) Washington sent ____________ and Gen. Lee w/13,000 ________ to stop rebels Domestic Policy Effects: Set tradition of federal __________ Show of power: Fed. Govt. will enforce its laws by __________ if necessary
French Revolution (1789) Facts: French people overthrew ____________ XVI Reign of __________ & France starts war with ________, Holland, Spain Both Britain & France want _______ as ally (1778 treaty b/w France & U.S.) Foreign Policy Effects: GW declares ____________ (1793): “friendly and impartial” to both sides Kept us out of ______
Jay’s Treaty (1794) Facts: Britain seized cargo of ______________ trading with French Victory at Fallen Timbers convinced ________ to sign treaty Treaty named after diplomat ______________ (Chief Justice) Foreign Policy Effects of Jay’s Treaty: British agreed to leave ________ valley ________ British agreed to pay damages for ____________ Unpopular treaty, b/c still can’t trade w/British W. Indies
Pinckney’s Treaty Facts: Treaty with __________ Treaty named after _____________ Foreign Policy Effects: U.S. maintained good relations with Spain U.S. won right to ____________ on Mississippi River U.S. won right to _____________ at New Orleans w/no customs duties Set boundary b/w ____________ and U.S.