N EW F REEDOM Program called N EW F REEDOM banking reform, anti-trust legislation, tariff reductions Called for stronger banking reform, anti-trust legislation, and tariff reductions N EW N ATIONALISM Program called N EW N ATIONALISM Similar to programs of FDR in the future I CAN EXPLAIN AND ANALYZE THE ELECTION OF 1912
Conservative, but progressive President of Princeton University Former Governor of New Jersey NEW FREEDOM” Progressive agenda called “ NEW FREEDOM” I CAN DESCRIBE THE BACKGROUND OF WOODROW WILSON
Wilson planned to take on the banks, trusts, and the tariff T RIPLE W ALL OF P RIVILEGE Wilson referred to these as the “T RIPLE W ALL OF P RIVILEGE ” Wilson introduced his programs in the State of the Union Speech— Wilson begins tradition of appearing in person before Congress! Wilson’s program that reduced the tariff Effect? GRADUATED INCOME TAX Created a GRADUATED INCOME TAX —based on income levels Effect? I CAN DISCUSS WILSON DOMESTIC PROGRAMS AND THEIR DETAILS
Created a Federal Reserve Board to oversee the monetary system in the US Paper money now issued as Federal Reserve Notes Gave the government the ability to control the amount of money in circulation I CAN DISCUSS WILSON DOMESTIC PROGRAMS AND THEIR DETAILS
Aimed at controlling the trusts Created a Presidential appointed commission to find monopolies and crush them Helped put more teeth into the Sherman Anti-trust Act I CAN DISCUSS WILSON DOMESTIC PROGRAMS AND THEIR DETAILS
Wilson DID NOT have an aggressive foreign policy Reversed Taft’s “Dollar Diplomacy” Haiti Mexico Wilson did send American troops into Haiti and Mexico P HILIPPINES Gave the P HILIPPINES territorial status with promise of independence Granted independence on July 4, 1946 HUERTA HUERTA —full-blooded Indian, became dictator of Mexico CARRANZA “PONCHO” VILLA Wilson didn’t like Huerta and sent guns and ammunition to CARRANZA and “PONCHO” VILLA Just when it looked like the US and Mexico would fight, the ABC powers stepped in to mediate When Carranza gets in power, Wilson gives “Pancho” Villa guns and ammo Villa killed some Americans in Mexico and then went into New Mexico and killed 19 Americans JOHN “BLACKJACK” PERSHING JOHN “BLACKJACK” PERSHING sent to capture Villa I CAN DISCUSS WILSON’S FOREIGN POLICY AND THEIR DETAILS