Water and Wastewater Focus Wireless Sales Push 2009
Review Week 1 – Program Introduction –Water and wastewater is a high sales potential market –Important to contact all parties involved in the project –Have you identified: End users? Associations? Tradeshows? Process distributors? Engineering companies?
Review Week 2 – Composting –Convert organic and bio-solid waste to compost –Key application: windrow temperature monitoring –Other applications: flare stack, oxygen, acidity, and moisture monitoring –Did you: Study the DX80 temperature node? Find a local compost facility? Identify technology used at this facility?
Review Week 3 – Landfill –Area where waste is buried to decompose –Methane gas and leachate water generated –Did you: Read App Notes and ? Read Counter Node datasheet ? Locate your landfill?
Review Week 4 – Sewage Treatment –Where toilet waste is processed –Methane gas and compost are generated –Did you: Study Temp and Humidity Sensor (137303, B_032362)?137303B_ Read Serial Node datasheet ? Locate your sewage plant?
Review Week 5 – Irrigation –Application of water to assist in growing crops –Main types – Surface, Localized, Sprinkler –Did you? Study DX80 Data Radio data sheet, P/N: Study SureCross brochure, P/N: Study BWA-SOLAR-001 data sheet, P/N: Locate irrigation companies Find irrigation locations
Clean Water Treatment Water and Wastewater Program 2009
Outline Background Info & Terminology Main Areas where it is used Applications
Key Terms and Background Info Clean Water Treatment - The process of treating a natural water source to remove harmful bacteria and contamination prior to its use as drinking water Industrial Waste Water Treatment - The process of treating waste water produced in the production and processing of materials, to remove contamination before its release into the environment or its reuse
Clean Water Process Water is pumped from a river or lake into larger clarifier tanks –The clarifiers are used to remove the suspended solids in the water In newer treatment processes, ozone gas is used to treat the water and remove unpleasant odors and tastes
Clean Water Process Filtration is used in both older treatment plants and in combination with ozone treatment The water is filtered through layers of sand and carbon to remove small particles and remove unwanted tastes and odors Disinfection is the process of adding chlorine or chloramine to the water to kill any bacteria or viruses that may be present in the water pipes from the treatment plant to your home After disinfection, the water is safe to drink and is pumped to holding tanks or reservoirs
Clean Water - Reservoir Control
Transmit continuous water level from 9 meters reservoir to pump control station –Submersible pressure transducer with 4 – 20 mA output –0 – 15 PSI scale (700 mm of water column = 1 PSI) –Provide pump control to turn On/Off multiple pumps based on mA value & time duration Two float switches monitor water level to provide high & low alarm indication –Normally Closed contacts utilized to imitate failsafe operation –Both float switches can never be off (contacts open) at same time Reservoir Control Requirements
Pressure Transducer & Float Switches Submersible Manufacturers Noshok KPSI Druck Siemens Many others available Float Switch Manufacturers MDI Many others available
Industrial Wastewater Industrial wastewater can be found in many different industries –Agriculture –Iron and Steel –Mining and Quarries –Food Processing –Chemical Industry –Wood and Paper
Industrial Wastewater Different types of industrial wastewater require the removal of many different contaminants –Solids –Oil and Grease –Cleaning Chemicals –Acids and Alkalis –Pesticides –Antibiotics –Toxic Materials
Industrial Wastewater Many different types of applications –Fill Level –Gate Control –pH Level –Turbidity Monitoring –Oxygen Level –Detection of Chemicals
pH level measured to ensure that the cleaned wastewater is similar to the pH of the natural water source, before the cleaned industrial water is reintroduced to the natural source Analog output of a pH sensor is wired to the input of a SureCross Node The Node will transmit the analog information to the Gateway in the control room Industrial Wastewater
There are many different types of pH sensors –Analog output –Discrete output Manufacturers include –HACH –Omega –ASTI –Siemens Industrial Wastewater
Gate Control is a very common application Monitor the position of a gate to control the flow of water from the final treatment stage to the natural water source Discrete output of a gate position sensor is wired to the input of a SureCross Node Node transmits gate status Gateway controls opening or closing of the gate via Node output Industrial Wastewater
Homework Week 6 Identify 1 Clean Water (drinking water) facility Identify 2 Companies that product Industrial Wastewater Review Week 1-5 Homework Progress