Muon analysis – PS and SPS data Started May 21, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Muon analysis – PS and SPS data Started May 21, 2012

-1 GeV/c beam rpc/PS_muon muon_14.f muon_20.kumac

-2 GeV/c beam

-3 GeV/c beam

-4 GeV/c beam

-5 GeV/c beam

-6 GeV/c beam

rpc/PS_muon muon_14.f muon_20.kumac -7 GeV/c beam

-8 GeV/c beam

-9 GeV/c beam

-10 GeV/c beam

+10 GeV/c beam

+8 GeV/c beam

+4 GeV/c beam

+6 GeV/c beam

SPS Beam June 5, GeV/c

HW layer SW Layer Low efficiency layers in Middle HW layers already at 6.3 kV: 13, 19, 22, 45,50 Increased HV from 6.0 -> 6.3 kV: HW layers 31,33,36,42,47,49,53

-30 GeV/c with ~900/spill Rate: no problem

-30 GeV/c with lead foil scintillators and wire chambers in beam with ~1700/spill Rate: first layers inefficient

-40 GeV/c with ~950/spill -40 GeV/c with ~900/spill

-50 GeV/c with ~1650/spill -50 GeV/c with ~1650/spill

-50 GeV/c with ~1650/spill -50 GeV/c with ~1650/spill

SW Layer HW Layer Need adjustment: HW layers 16,20,76,32,33,39,50,53 Recently adjusted: HW layers 31,33,36,42,47,49,53

June 7, GeV/c with ~250/spill -60 GeV/c with ~1250/spill

-60 GeV/c with ~1250/spill -60 GeV/c with ~1000/spill