Electricity from Geothermal
Developing the Geothermal Resource for Power Generation Geothermal Well Characteristics Vapor Dominated Dry Steam Liquid Dominated Bi-phase Fluids Steam and Brine Brine
Developing the Geothermal Resource for Power Generation Geothermal Well Characteristics Vapor Dominated Dry Steam Liquid Dominated Bi-phase Fluids Steam and Brine Brine
Developing the Geothermal Resource for Power Generation Geothermal Well Characteristics Vapor Dominated Dry Steam Liquid Dominated Bi-phase Fluids Steam and Brine Brine
Know the Geothermal Resource What properties are presented by the resource? Fluid Pressure at Wellhead Fluid Temperature at Wellhead What flow can the well support? Is the resource “clean”?
Geothermal Steam Supply Wellhead Separators Steam Collection system Condensate Properties of the Steam Supply 350 Degree F 210 psi
Steam Separators Brine collection system Separator efficiency 20 / 80 ratio Properties of the Brine 350 Degree F
Basics of Power Generation Conservation of Energy Energy Conversion Chemical to Heat (Typical Thermal Unit) Heat to Mechanical (Steam Driven Turbine) Mechanical to Electrical (Generator)
Steam Turbines
Binary Turbines
3 Phase Power
Differences in Conversion Methods Steam Systems Single Flash Double Flash Binary System
Single Flash System
Dual Flash System
Binary System
Blundell Plant Single Flash Design Single turbine/Single generator Turbine design data Generator design data Condenser design
Addition of Blundell Unit #2 Heat recovery system Historical Brine flow vs Current Brine flow 340 Degree F vs 210 Degree F
Comparison of Condenser design Wet type Condenser/Cooling Tower. Dry Condenser. Pros and Cons of each type.
Brine re-injection Conservation of resource Protection of wells Effects of Temperature Effects of pH pH Control method Balance of control System Design complications
Complications of Unit Operation Water Induction (Mass water vs steam) Scaling Turbine Blades Back-pressure Temperature and Pressure relationship Gas in Condensate/Circulating Water Ambient Temperature Humidity Wind Direction and Speed