Espanola Public School Back to School Administrative Meeting July 28, 2015, 8:00-5:00 PM Presented by: Myra L. Martinez Associate Superintendent The mission of the Española Public School District is to provide and continuously improve a quality education for all students in a safe environment by implementing an educational program that insures students are prepared to meet educational and lifelong challenges.
Organization Chart
Back to School Logistics Registration School Supply Lists Open House and Back to School Staff Meetings Readiness Facilities Staffing – Notification of Classrooms. Schedules – Master Instructional, Special Programs, Duty, Meetings, School Advisory Council, Parent & Community Involvement Opportunities Websites Phone System
Strategic Planning Administrative Meetings Professional Development District Strategic Committees Parent & Community Engagement EPSS Guidance (Literacy, Math, Science/STEM, Parent & Family Engagement, Student Engagement) Staffing Special Education Bilingual / TESOL
Curriculum & Instruction
Assessment Why do we assess students? Asking students to demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter is critical to the learning process; it is essential to evaluate whether the educational goals and standards of the lessons are being met. Assessment affects decisions about grades, placement, advancement, instructional needs, curriculum, and, in some cases, funding. Further, assessment inspires us to ask these hard questions: "Are we teaching what we think we are teaching?" EPS complies with the New Mexico Public Education Department’s (NMPED) state requirements for assessing students.
Assessment: Short Cycle Assessment Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) – K-3 BOY:August 17-September 4 (First 15 days of instruction) MOY:January 11 – 29, 2016 EOY: April 25 – May 13, 2016 Renaissance Learning: STAR Early Literacy, STAR Literacy, STAR Math BOY:August 24-September 22 (30 day window) MOY: November 20-December 18 (30 day window) EOY: April 25-May 24 (30 day window)
Assessment: Bilingual Multicultural Education Program W-APT BOY:During the first 15 days of instruction MOY:January 11 – 29, 2016 EOY: April 25 – May 13, 2016 WIDA ACCESS Annual English Language Proficiency Assessment for ELL Students. January / February 2016 (TBD) Spanish IPT / Tewa TOLD Annual Spanish/Tewa Language Proficiency Assessment for ELL Students. April 2016
Assessment: PARCC Update By September, the Governing Board will formally adopt cut-scores and performance level for each assessment in each grade Final PARCC data for all grades and assessments will be available to districts by November Final A-F school grades will likely be available by December
Assessment: PARCC – Graduation Requirements For the class of 2016, a score of 3 on the PARCC ELA III and a score of 3 on either the PARCC Algebra II or Geometry assessments will count towards graduation requirements This was initially announced on October 22, 2014 to superintendents and again shared at spring assessment training Scale scores for graduation will be established in winter after standard setting is complete There will be no composite ELA+Math score to meet graduation requirements Per statute, the ADC remains available for students who do not pass PARCC There will be a fall PARCC retest for students who need it November 16 December 4 (PBA) December 7 – December 18 (EOY)
Assessment: PARCC Spring 2016 Changes 2 to 1 testing window New Mexico testing window will be from April 4 – May 13, 2016 Most schools should be able to complete the full assessment in 2 weeks The full calendar will be available within the next 2 weeks
Evaluation - PDPs
Evaluation - Observations