Restaurant Hotel and Hospitality Management Madeline Kern & Morgan Gomez
Jackie and JFK’s Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dudley Auchincloss request the honour of your presence at the marriage of Mrs. Auchincloss' daughter Jacqueline Lee Bouvier to The Honorable John Fitzgerald Kennedy United States Senate on Saturday, the twelfth of September at eleven o'clock Saint Mary's Church Spring Street Newport, Rhode Island On September 12, 1953 they married at St. Mary’s Church in Newport, Rhode Island. Twelve hundred people were invited to the wedding reception at Hammersmith Farm, a place filled with happy memories for Jacqueline of the summers she had spent there with her mother, stepfather, brothers and sisters. The reception was held on the huge terrace of the 300 acre Auchincloss oceanfront estate, Hammersmith Farm, for more than twelve hundred guests. The wedding cake was over four feet tall. Meyer Davis and his orchestra played under a huge canopy. *The Hospitality Industry could have helped Jackie and JFK by suggesting a more intimate private wedding. By doing this it would have helped keep their personal love life not so public. Having a private family wedding could have offered a more romantic feel and helped keep the marriage secure.
Celebrating American History, Culture and Achievement President Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy together with their two children, brought a new, youthful spirit to the White House. Jacqueline Kennedy planned important dinners and events at the White House and invited artists, writers, scientists, poets, and musicians to mingle with politicians, diplomats, and statesmen. February 14, 1962 CBS Television asked Mrs. Kennedy to present a televised tour of the newly restored White House. Fifty million Americans watched it on television. Mrs. Kennedy was honored with an Emmy Award for her hard work. April 29, 1962 Jackie hosted a dinner at the White House for the Nobel Prize winners Spring 1961 Jackie Kennedy brought in Chef Rene Verdon, with his French presence in the kitchen the White House became well known for its superb five course meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. * The Hospitality Industry could help the Kennedys high profile lifestyle by hiring an event planner. By doing this it would help the First ladies to have more time with their family and let the event planner focus on all the event that are held at The White House.
Kennedy Compound Located in Nantucket Sound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts Built in 1904 and is acquired by six acres on ocean front Cape Cod The home was first bought by Grandfather Joseph Kennedy and was remolded to equip their nine children and later the other generations to come. Two other homes were build around the main house by brothers John and Robert. The house was used for many activities with the family growing up and for entertaining many guests and weddings In 1960 JFK used the compound as a base for his Presidential campaign The compound was also used as a Summer White House and President retreat It is said today that the compound would be transformed into an education center and museum *The Hospitality Industry could help by promoting the opening of the new education and museum center by having an annual opening party. In the past we could have helped by renting out the compound when the families weren't using it for a charity events, weddings or personal vacationing.