What do they mean? How do they work?
All music notes have one shape in common … w The Oval
Could you explain it one more time?
All music notes have one shape in common … w The Oval
Here is how it works! First, you start with The Oval w
The Oval is worth 4 beats The Oval is worth 4 beats w
When you add a stem, w it takes away half the value of the oval!
This note is now worth 2 beats This note is now worth 2 beats h
What makes this oval different… h From this oval? q
This oval has a stem AND it is colored in. q But how much is it worth?
Every time you add something to the oval, you take away half the value… This is worth 2 beatsThis is worth 1 beat hq
www 4 Beats 2 Beats 1 Beat Half of 4 Half of 2
Remember, Every time you add something to the oval, you take away half the value.
Let’s figure out how much this note is! e
Adding each of these items decreases the note value by half. First, add the line Second you fill in the oval OVAL Next, you add the flag
How much is a note worth? Start with the oval, it is worth 4 beats. Add a line to it, now it is worth 2 beats. Fill it in, now it is worth 1 beat. Add a flag, now it is worth ½ of 1, or ½ beat. w h q e