Global Fund – PEPFAR Coordination The Tanzania Example Dr. Fatma Mrisho Chairperson TACAIDS
About TACAIDS TACAIDS is a Government National HIV and AIDS body, established in 2001 and reporting to the Prime Minister. It has HIV and AIDS Coordinating, Policy/Strategy and Resource Mobilization roles.
TACAIDS Mission Provide strategic leadership and coordinate the implementation of a national, multi- sectoral response to HIV/AIDS leading to the reduction of further infections, associated diseases and adverse socio-economic effects of the epidemic..
PEPFAR and GFATM support to HIV/AIDS Program in Tanzania PEPFAR supports technical assistance for HIV prevention, treatment and care activities as well as health system strengthening efforts GFATM grants support HIV commodity procurement (especially ARVs), prevention including eMTCT, treatment and care, health system strengthening and OVC support
PEPFAR and Global Fund Investments to HIV/AIDS Global Fund: >US$ 900 million towards HIV and AIDS and HIV/TB PEPFAR: >US$1.9 billion with annual PEPFAR budget >US$345 million
PEPFAR Support Technical assistance: M&E costing study and modeling structural development & communication of TNCM Secretariat (Tanzania CCM) commodity forecasting, procurement and supply management (PSM)
GF/URT/PEPFAR Collaboration Jointly working towards the ART universal access in Tanzania (610,000 people on treatment by 2015) Strengthening PSM systems with funds and expertise for National AIDS Control Program (forecasting, logistics tracking) and Medical Stores Department (tendering, warehousing, distribution) PEPFAR emergency procurements to avoid stock outs
A large GFATM HIV grant is due for Phase 2 review: additional US$ 321 million have been requested by Tanzanian Government for years > 85% of these funds are for ART All 3 partners are funding ART component. In May/June 2012 URT/PEPFAR/GFATIM teams have worked actively together on planning, target setting, drug quantification to finalize future HIV grant budget Collaboration in Action
URT Challenges/Partner Support Needed Low capacity of reporting systems for drugs, commodities & supplies Disbursement delays, uncertainties with protracted negotiations Funding cycles that differ from national planning cycles
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