Mount. St. Helens By: Joshua Ibasco
Description Mount. St. Helens is located in the state of Washington, USA, 55 miles northeast of Portland, Oregon, and 95 miles south of Seattle, Washington. It is also along the Cascade Range. Mount. St. Helen’s elevation is 2,549m or 8,363ft. It is a stratovolcano, which means that it is a volcano built up of alternate layers of lava and ash. It is an active volcano, that has erupted many of times in 1980.
One of the most dangerous Mount. St. Helens is one of the most destructive volcanoes in the U.S. It’s eruption on May 18, 1980 was a devastation and leaded to 57 deaths, 200 homes destroyed, and more than 185 miles of roads and railways destroyed. Mount. St. Helens and other volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest are monitored closely by the David A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory in Vancouver, which they provide important information on volcanic activity.
Tourism Mount. St. Helens attract new residents, tourists, and businesses to surrounding communities to it. Since its rapid increase in tourism and economy purposes, total employment has increased greatly. Tourism at Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument helps people view and gaze upon the natural beauty of a volcano even at a safe distance away. This mountain is open to mountain climbing, and also a hiking trail.
Fun facts Some Native American names that refer to smoke at the volcano include— Lawala Clough, Low-We- Lat-Klah, Low-We-Not- Thlat, Loowit, Loo-wit, Loo-wit Lat-kla, and Louwala-Clough. Mount St. Helens remains a world-famous natural laboratory for the study of Earth’s processes and also nature’s response to catastrophe. During the past 4,000 years, Mount St. Helens has erupted more frequently than any other volcano in the Cascade Range.
Relflection Mount. St. Helens is located in the state if Washington. Even though being and active volcano and one of the most dangerous in the country, Mount. St. Helens is still a very popular tourist site to visit and one of the most beautiful wonders of the world. And some want to just experience the beautiful veiw. I wish I can visit the Mount. St. Helens National Park.