+ Assessing Physical Activity Programs & Physical Fitness Chapter 6: Motivating People
+ Keeping Track of our Client Help the client reach their goals Provides them much need feedback
+ Instruments used to keep track of the client Determining Intensity Level Do your clients know the differences between low, moderate, and high intensity exercise? (First assignment in the class) Talk test Sing at low levels Talk at moderate levels Too winded to talk at vigorous level Heart Rate Borg’s rating scale 1-to-10: Rates your workouts 6-to-20: Commonly used in assessing to determine maximal levels.
+ Effective tracking techniques Tracking the Amount of time exercising in: Low to moderate levels Vigorous levels Provide a recording form 10 minute periods 30 minute periods Total minutes daily
+ Effective Tracking Methods Lack of time is a primary barrier for many people to pursue exercise. We need to help the client find more time to be physically active. We need to know what he or she does at work. We need to know what he or she does in their leisure time. Have the client choose 2 weekdays and 1 weekend day in upcoming week where they will track their activities. After they have tracked their activities, you can as PFT determine how many minutes they were active, mode, and when they were active.
+ Effective Tracking Methods Step counters are an excellent way to determine activity levels. They are not the most actuate indicator but they do serve the purpose of measuring one’s level of activity. One can have the client measure their steps for 2 days during the week and 1 on the weekend. Again, bench mark indicator is 10,000 steps per day. This is obviously difficult for certain population groups such the aged. On can use step counters to track their level of physical activity and in setting physical activity goals.
+ Effective Tracking Methods Assessing Fitness Tracking one resting heart rate ½ mile walk test
+ Assessing during PA and Exercise Do it! It enhance the client motivation. Combine subjective measures (e.g., Borg Scale) with actual measures (e.g, heart rate). Common techniques Heart rate for 6 seconds, just add the “0” Heart rate for 10 seconds, just multiple it by 6 With longer periods, heart rate may not be as valid. Walk test
+ In Summary Keep records, monitoring the exercise intensity, and monitoring exercise levels during exercise are motivation techniques that when used promotes exercise adherence.