Introduction Requirement Your Director asks you to analyze the provided team morale data and submits a report on their findings Survey Purpose The purpose of survey was to: Measure employee perceptions of the work environment Identify job satisfaction levels Identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement
Introduction Metric for evaluating employee satisfaction The first way: We evaluate the format of a typical five level in survey following point scale: LevelPoint Strongly Disagree-2 Disagree Neutral0 Agree1 Strongly Agree2
Introduction Metric for evaluating employee satisfaction The first way: How to calculate point for a question? Point level of a question = Number of employees * point of level To calculate point of a question, we sum all point of five level of a question How to calculate average percent of a question? Average percent of a question = (Point of a question/ Maximum point for a question) *100
Introduction Metric for evaluating employee satisfaction The first way: In this way, Neutral level is evaluated 0 point. So, when we sum point of a question, it will express strongly that employees agree or disagree on the question.
Introduction Metric for evaluating employee satisfaction The second way: LevelPoint Strongly Disagree1 Disagree2 Neutral3 Agree4 Strongly Agree5
Introduction Metric for evaluating employee satisfaction The second way: How to calculate point for a question? Point level of a question = Number of employees * point of level To calculate point of a question, we sum all point of five level of a question How to calculate average percent of a question? Average percent of a question = (Point of a question/ Maximum point for a question) *100
Introduction Metric for evaluating employee satisfaction The second way: In this way, when we sum point of a question, we can compare all questions, that the question is the most agreed or not.
Analysis Survey Results Work Environment
Analysis Survey Results 2009 Survey Results
Analysis Survey Results 2010 Survey Results
Analysis Survey Results Compare each type of work environment in 2 surveys Physical environment
Analysis Survey Results Compare each type of work environment in 2 surveys Physical environment
Analysis Survey Results Compare each type of work environment in 2 surveys Physical environment Based on data and chart, we can evaluate the morale of employee about physical environment is normal. But there is a problem in question 4, it is a minus point both 2 surveys (2009 and 2010) So we need improve cooperation between the departments in company
Analysis Survey Results Compare each type of work environment in 2 surveys System, tools and processes
Analysis Survey Results Compare each type of work environment in 2 surveys System, tools and processes
Analysis Survey Results Compare each type of work environment in 2 surveys System, tools and processes Based on data and chart, we can evaluate the morale of employee about Systems, Tools and Process is good But we need improve accessing to the information because points of each question in 2010 is lower than 2009
Analysis Survey Results Compare each type of work environment in 2 surveys Emotional environment
Analysis Survey Results Compare each type of work environment in 2 surveys Emotional environment
Analysis Survey Results Compare each type of work environment in 2 surveys Emotional environment Based on data and chart, we can evaluate the morale of employee about emotional environment is normal. But there is a problem in question 9, it has a minus point both 2 surveys.
Analysis Survey Results Compare each type of work environment in 2 surveys Motivation
Analysis Survey Results Compare each type of work environment in 2 surveys Motivation
Analysis Survey Results Compare each type of work environment in 2 surveys Motivation Based on data and chart, we can evaluate the morale of employee about motivation is normal We need to create opportunity for broadening and growth
Analysis Survey Results Compare each type of work environment in 2 surveys Management
Analysis Survey Results Compare each type of work environment in 2 surveys Management
Analysis Survey Results Compare each type of work environment in 2 surveys Management Based on data and chart, we can evaluate the morale of employee about management is normal But we need to improve communicating about changes that affect employees
Recommends survey 2009 Environment NoSurvey question Recommends Physical environment 4There is cooperation between the departments in the company ( -25 ) 1. Find out the reasons. 2. Should to have policies and interactions between departments more. For examples: Organize activities or projects that require departments work together. Note to reduce conflicts minimum. Organize outdoor activities (sports, music…) to increase communicating between employees of each department.
Recommends survey 2009 Environment NoSurvey question Recommends Emotional environment 8I am currently looking for another job outside of ABC Systems ( -2) Find out information, collect ideas of employees. Analyze and find out the reasons why employees that looking for another job. Review the current positions of ABC company and human resource policies.
Recommends survey 2009 Environment NoSurvey question Recommends Motivation 12 I am provided with opportunities to broaden my skills and knowledge(-24 ) Company should to have training programs to improve ability and knowledge for employees: -Organize workshops to introduce and update new technology -Organize training courses a periodic for employees 9I am empowered to make decisions( 9 ) Encourage and have policies to reward contributions about ideas and effort of employees.
Recommends survey 2009 Environment NoSurvey question Recommends Motivation 14 I take pride in my work ( 140) Promoting the current policies that almost employees are satisfied 11I see career growth and advancement opportunities for myself at ABC Systems ( 11 ) Company should public carefully promoting, salary increasing policies, to create motivation for employees.
Recommends survey 2010 Because this is the next year after applying new policies from recommend for 2009 survey, so it is important to consider the existed problem in 2009 but not overcome until And number of employees increase from 100 to 150, so it can influence worse to company if there is not any solution to improve
Recommends survey 2010 Environment NoSurvey question Recommend Physical environment 4There is cooperation between the departments in the company ( -37 ) 1. It is seriously to find out the reasons of communicating between departments (individual problems…). This problem can affect to other work environments (motivation, emotional environment,… ) 2. Should to have policies and interactions between departments more. For examples: Organize activities or projects that require departments work together. Note to reduce conflicts minimum. Organize outdoor activities (sports, music…) to increase communicating between employees of each department.
Recommends survey 2010 Environment NoSurvey question Recommend Emotional environment 8 I am currently looking for another job outside of ABC Systems ( -2) Through 2009, the problem still exists, it is important to reconsider about performing policies in 2009? Find out information, collect ideas of employees. Analyze and find out the reasons why employees that looking for another job. Review the current positions of ABC company and human resource policies. Management 15I feel informed about changes that affect me ( -4 ) Public changes, explain and notice new policies. Decrease major change maximum to avoid for influence to current work of employees.
Recommends survey 2010 Environment NoSurvey question Recommend Motivation 12 I am provided with opportunities to broaden my skills and knowledge (- 22 ) Continue to implement policies in 2009 Organize more training courses for employees. 9I am empowered to make decisions ( 6 ) Have a positive sign after implementing policies in 2009 Encourage and have policies to reward contributions about ideas and effort of employees.
Compare generally between 2 surveys chart Environment2009 ( %)2010 ( %) Physical environment System, tools and processes Emotional environment Motivation Management
Compare generally between 2 surveys chart
Recommends Through the policy has been recommended in 2009 survey, the problems still exist on survey 2010 and tended increase, adversely affecting the company. Through analysis of two surveys, this affects very negatively to another issues in the company, affecting the psychological and attitude of the employees. Company needs to solve this problem well.
Recommends for improvement of the survey My team analyzed and identified two key problems in this survey: Lack of Comment Comment is a part that is very important in the survey. The answers of questions are not complete for improvement. So we need the comment part to employee can raise the owner for making the answers more clear. My team has some commend for this survey Add comment part below each question Each question need explanation that help customer clearly understand To ensure reliable data, we should have some encouragement in survey and explanation about benefit of this survey