M ANDARIN C HINESE Confey College in association with National University of Ireland, Maynooth
C HINESE : SOME FOOD FOR THOUGHT ….. China’s position in the world changing rapidly China to overtake USA as largest economy Companies worldwide keen to do business in China All indications are that these trends will continue
C HINA & I RELAND Relationship is developing rapidly Visit of Vice -President Xi in Feb 2012 Visit of Taoiseach to China in March 2012 Multiple announcements in relation to economic projects
C HINESE : BENEFITS FOR YOUR CHILD Being among the first students in Ireland to study world’s most spoken language Acquiring knowledge of ancient culture Acquiring ability to speak Mandarin Chinese Possibility of taking Chinese at Third Level Enhanced employment prospects
C HINESE AND I RISH E DUCATION Importance of introducing Chinese into schools is recognised at government and official level Considerable barriers to achieving this Currently Chinese is not an examination subject for Junior or Leaving Cert Dept of Ed intends revamping Junior Cert and reducing number of exam subjects to 8 Minister has encouraged schools to begin this process immediately
C HINESE AND I RISH E DUCATION National Council for Curriculum and Assessment launched a Transition Year module last May NCCA plan to have a Mandarin Chinese module incorporated into the new Junior Cert for First school to offer Chinese was Loreto, Bray, in Loreto offers Chinese classes as an after- school activity. A number of schools now offer Chinese as an after-school subject or as a TY module
C HINESE AND NUI M AYNOOTH Opened Confucius Classroom 2009 – affiliated to the Confucius Institute in UCC Supported by NUIM Language Centre Confey College teacher recruited in China and paid for by UCC Commitment to providing teacher for three years Assistance with sourcing textbooks and materials Assistance with administration of exams
C HINESE IN C ONFEY C OLLEGE First school to offer Chinese as a Junior Cycle subject Students take Chinese as one of their two option subjects: Art, Business, Computers, Home Economics, Mandarin Chinese Metalwork, Music, Tech. Graphics, Woodwork Chinese will not be part of the Options Sampling in September Chinese will be studied in addition to French or German
C HINESE IN C ONFEY C OLLEGE Students do graded, age-appropriate exams, Youth Chinese Tests Chinese is more challenging than a European language School is recommending that students considering Mandarin Chinese should have above average academic ability and application Initial agreement with NUIM is for three years so at this point we cannot give any undertaking in relation to the subject continuing beyond 2016
C HINESE : TERMS & CONDITIONS We are asking for a commitment from students and parents to stay with the programme for the three years We are asking for applications to be returned to the admin office by Friday 11 th April We are offering 24 places In the event of more that 24 students seeking a place we will assess the applications and may contact parents to discuss the application. If there is still over-subscription places will be allocated by means of a lottery
A ND FINALLY ….. In 2011 Chinese tourists outspent tourists from US in Brown Thomas. BT now looking for retail staff with knowledge of Mandarin PWC recently looking to recruit ‘Chinese aware’ staff