Workforce Investment Act Board Orientation P.L Updated 2/13/2013
Workforce Investment Act Major Themes n Increased Coordination n One-Stop Delivery System n Universal Access n Work First n Enhanced Accountability n Empowered Customers n Increased Flexibility n Locally Driven
Increased Coordination n Workforce development, adult education & literacy, and Voc. Rehab. programs maintain separate funding streams and federal requirements n But WIA encourages seamless integration of services – All required One-Stop Partners – Allows for Unified State Plan
Local Elected Officials n Designate Local Area-Petition Governor n Grant Recipient of Funds-may designate – Grant recipient or designee disburses funds for program activities – Retains Liability n Appoints Local Workforce Board n Approves Local Plan w/Workforce Board n Approves One-Stop Operator w/WDB n Conducts Oversight w/Workforce Board
Local Workforce Investment Boards Composition n Chair must be business n Members must include reps. of: – Local Business Majority – Local Education Entities – Labor Organizations – Community-based Organizations – Economic Development Agencies – One-Stop Partners n Existing PICs/Boards may be grand-fathered
Local Workforce Investment Boards Membership Requirements n Business members must be CEO’s, Owners, High Level Managers n Business members nominated by business organizations or trade associations n Non-business members must be “Optimal” decision makers from their organizations
Local Workforce Investment Boards Major Functions n Develop 5-year and succeeding local plans n Select operators/providers – One Stop Operator – Youth Providers – w/Youth Council – Identify Eligible Providers of Training n Develop budget for Board activities n Conduct program oversight n Negotiate local performance measures n Assist in employment statistics system n Broker employerlinkages/assistance n Promote Private Sector Participation
One-Stop centers Designation of One-Stop Operators Designated by Local Board with agreement of CEO May be designated through A competitive process or An agreement by Local board and consortium of at least 3 required One-Stop partners Continuation of preceding One-Stop Systems
One-Stop System Requirements Mandatory Partners Adult and youth activities under WIA Wagner-Peyser - Employment Service Adult Education Vocational Rehabilitation Older Americans Act Post-secondary Voc Ed under Carl Perkins Welfare-To-Work TAA & NAFTA-TAA Veterans E&T programs Community Service Block Grant E&T Activities Unemployment Insurance
Discretionary One-Stop Partners TANF - W2 Food Stamps E&T Program National & Community Services Program Other Federal, state & local programs including programs in the private sector
Adult & Dislocated Worker Services
Three Tiers of Service Core Services - Work First Universal Access for Job Listings, Skill Requirements and Labor Market Information Initial Intake, eligibility and referral for services Intensive Services - Assessment, Counseling and other services for those unable to obtain employment through core services Training - Individual Training Accounts for those meeting local criteria and otherwise unable to be placed
Core Services Eligibility Determination for WIA Outreach, intake and orientation Initial assessment Job search and placement Career counseling LMI and job listings Performance & cost information on training providers Performance reports Information on supportive services Information on UI claims and filing Information on Financial Aid Follow-up services for WIA participants
Intensive Services Comprehensive assessment Development of individual employment plan Individual and group counseling Career planning Case management Pre-employment services (interviewing skills, conduct, business dress) Work Experience Support Services
Training Types of Training Occupational skills training On-the-Job Training Workplace Training/Co-op Private Sector Training Skills Upgrading Entrepreneurial training Job readiness training Basic Skills Training combined w/other training Customized training-employer hiring commitment
Occupational Skills Training Requirements Guided by customer choice Individual Training Accounts From State Eligible Training Provider Listing Local Board Approved Meet minimum requirements In-demand occupations Must exhaust other grant assistance (Pell etc.)
Eligible Training Providers Initial eligibility Automatic eligibility State Post Secondary educational institutions Apprenticeship Other providers must meet criteria established by Governor Subsequent eligibility Must meet minimum levels of performance Performance and cost information must be provided
Eligible Training Providers Additional Features State manages list of eligible providers Workforce Boards approve individual training programs Individuals may choose any provider on the list States may enter into reciprocal agreements with other States
Performance and Accountability Adult & Dislocated Worker Performance Measures Entered Employment Rate Employment Retention Rate Average Earnings
Youth Services
Youth Council Subgroup of WIB Members include: WIB members with youth expertise Representatives of youth service agencies Representatives of public housing Parents Individuals with youth expertise Current or former youth participants Representatives of Job Corps
Youth Council Major Functions Develop plan sections related to youth Recommend selection of youth service providers Conduct oversight of youth activities Coordinate youth activities
Youth Program Eligibility Between ages 14 and 21 Low-income, and one or more of: deficient in basic skills school dropout homeless, a runaway or foster child pregnant or a parent an offender needs additional assistance to complete educational program, or to secure and hold employment 5% need not meet income requirements
Formula Youth Programs Single funding stream for year-round and summer (summer component is required) Youth Council prepares youth portion of local plan Competitive procurement for specified youth services* Integration into One-Stop is local decision At least 30% of funds for out-of-school youth
Required Design Framework for WIA Youth Programs Objective individual assessment Service strategy development Case Management Provide for Preparation for postsecondary educational opportunities Linkages between academic and occupational learning Connection to the job market and area employers
Youth Program Elements Tutoring, study skills and dropout prevention activities* Alternative secondary school services* Summer employment opportunities Paid and unpaid work experience Occupational skills training* Leadership development activities* Supportive services Adult mentoring* Follow-up services Comprehensive guidance and counseling*
Performance and Accountability All Youth Performance Measures (Ages 14-21) Placement In Employment and/or Education Attainment of a Diploma, Degree or Certificate Literacy or Numeracy Gain
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