INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT Objective: Discuss integrated pest management strategies.
INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) IPM is the most effective and environmentally friendly method approach to control IPM focuses on pest prevention by identifying, preventing and monitoring pests with least amount of danger to the environment by the most economical means According to the EPA, “IPM is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common- sense practices” (NC Extension Service) Chemical pesticides are only one part of the solution so therefore they are used more sparingly and wisely
STEPS TO INTEGRATE IPM 1. Identify the pest 2. Prevention of pests can be controlled by using cultural methods such as crop rotation, pest resistant varieties and planting pest-free rootstock 3. Monitoring new infestations can be the best controlled by early detection 4. Traps may be used to check pest population 5. Use the less risky pest control first including pheromones that will disrupt pest mating or mechanical controls including traps 6. If these methods are not effective, additional control methods including target spraying of a pesticide may be necessary. Broadcast spraying would be used as a last resort.
BIOLOGICAL CONTROL Lady beetles or lady bugs both adults and larva feed on soft bodied insects (aphids) mites and eggs Parasite wasp attack caterpillar, butterfly or moth egg or pupa, beetle egg and other insects in the egg, larva or pupa stage Praying mantis will eat just about any pest Green lacewing larvae are predators that feed mainly on soft bodied insects, mites, and eggs Predatory mites will attack spider mites at any stage of development inside a greenhouse or outside
IPM STRATEGIES Create a Mind Binder using the following vocabulary terms: IPM EPA Chemical pesticide Cultural methods Crop rotation Pest resistant variety Pest-free rootstock Traps Pheromones Biological control
BENEFICIAL INSECTS Is there such a thing?! Research 3 beneficial insects and the role they play in biological controls Create a tri-fold to showcase your findings Things to include: Insect description What it controls How is it beneficial
UNDERSTANDING PESTICIDE LABELS The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) mandates label language and standards. The Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for interpreting labeling standards and ensure that they are followed THE LABEL IS THE LAW “It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling”
REQUIRED LABEL INFORMATION I. Restricted Use Pesticide Statement (if applicable) II. Product Name, Brand or Trademark -common name III. Ingredient Statement –name and percentage by weight of each active ingredient and percentage by weight of other inert ingredients IV. (KOOROC) Statement –hazard statement “Keep Out Of Reach Of Children” V. Signal Word –appear on the front panel of the label and are determined by the most severe toxicity category the pesticide meets OR by the presence of methanol at a greater level than 4%
SIGNAL WORD It is highly toxic in at least one category-orally, dermally, thorough inhalation and/or causes severe eye or skin burn Toxicity category 1- from a few drops to less than a teaspoon may be lethal if swallowed It is moderately toxic in at least one category Toxicity category II- from one teaspoon to a tablespoon may be lethal if swallowed Is slightly toxic to relatively non-toxic orally, dermally or through inhalation or causes slight eye and skin irritation Toxicity category III- from one ounce to over a pint may be swallowed before being lethal
REQUIRED LABEL INFORMATION vi. Skull and Crossbones Symbol and the word Poison (written in red) vii. First Aid Statement- Statement of practical treatment states what to do if a person swallows or is poisoned by spilling the chemical on the skin. This section will also have the toll free phone number for the National Pesticides Information Center. viii. Net contents/Net weight- measure of contents ix. EPA Registration Number and EPA Establishment Number- Identifies the facility that produced the product…allows for tracking products x. Company name and address- identifies who produced or registered the product
REQUIRED LABEL INFORMATION xi. Precautionary Statements xi. Hazards to Humans and Domestic Animals- identifies rate and route of exposure xii. First Aid xiii. Environmental Hazard- indicates non target organisms xiv. Physical or Chemical Hazard- fire or explosion hazards xii. Directions for Use- mixing and application for various pests. How to legally use. xi. May include worker protection procedures xi. PPE-personal protective equipment (masks, coveralls, respirators, gloves, safety glasses or goggles) xii. Reentry time- how much time must past before reentering a treated xiii. Storage and Disposal instructions xiv. Warranty statement
CREATE A CHEMICAL LABEL Create a label Make sure you have all the required parts of the label included Be creative!
1. CLASSIFICATION General Use: Can be purchased and applied by general public Restricted Use: Can be purchased by a licensed certified applicator only, but may be applied by or under the direct supervision of a licensed certified applicator Unclassified: Pesticides are those that do not meet minimum requirements to be included in general use pesticides
2. TYPE OF PESTICIDE Insecticide: Kills Insects Herbicide: Kills unwanted plants Selective herbicides kill specific weeds or plants Non selective herbicides kill all plants with which they come in contact Fungicide: Controls fungi
3. FORM OF SUBSTANCE Dust Wettable powder Fumigant Liquid Granular
READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS! The most important safety rule is…