British India The “Age of Reform” Commerce & Conquest/ Imperial Expansion in British India
British India has traditionally been regarded as demarcating the beginning of a new era in the history of British India. Up to this time attitudes concerning the governance of an alien society varied and were mostly discordant. But the dominant ethos was ' reformist' and it grew in strength and stridency. Initially held at bay, it captured the mind of Parliament first, indoctrinated the bureaucratic class that was trained at Haileybury to run the new empire, and overwhelmed the objections of orientalists and pragmatists Stacking opium balls From: The Graphic 1882
British India By 1828 liberals like Macauley and Utilitarians like Mill, Bentinck and Trevelyan had the field to themselves and immediately instituted reformist programmes. Let ’ s examine those programmes, evaluate the impulses and motives that informed them, and measure their impact on Indian society. Whether the changes foreshadowed or legislated for between deserve to entitle this 30 year period as 'The Age of Reform', however, remains a moot point …
British India Up to 1828 we have the development of a reforming ethos After 1828 we reputedly have application of a reforming program. This reforming program had at its heart the Doctrine of Improvement. India seen as a 'laboratory of experiment' in social and political engineering.
British India But improvement of what kind? Improvement could take different forms and reflect different inputs. –To liberals : improvement = Western education –To utilitarian : improvement = good laws –To evangelicals : improvement = Christianity and conversion
British India In historiography the period has been labelled 'The Age of Reform' –Is this merited? If not, why not? –Possible explanation : Age of Reform is a concept needed to explain the Mutiny which followed it? Thus British meddling/interference provides an ideal backdrop for Indian reaction and resistance in
British India Opposing historical explanations But J. Nehru disputes the point that the British were reforming zealots, who went too far too quickly, in a 'cultural blitzkrieg'. Instead, he argues, the British remained, from first to last, lily-hearted bureaucrats - who contemplated change only if it were safe. V.G Kiernan ['The Lords of Human Kind'] draws our attention not to what the British actually did, but to how they did it. That is, it was not British reforms that were the problem so much as British methods.
British India The Coming of Bentinck [Gov.-General ] –What sort of man was he? –Relied on advice from strong-willed advisers. –Therefore susceptibility to instigate change in line with current reformist views. His "Reforms" fall into 3 categories –1. Social : Do they amount to much? Negative in character –2. Legal : Macaulay's New Legal Code 1834 (Mill's influence) = Western, uniform, far- reaching. –3. Educative : Macaulay's Reform Minute of 1835 = considered the Key Measure of this period.
British India Educative measures 1835 Education Minute – Features :['Filtration' theory; Education filters down from elite to masses; Brown Englishmen created] - Motivations: - Racial - administrative - commercial Results: - (1) An unexpected Growth of nationalist sentiment - - (2) An unexpected development of Hindu/Muslim rivalry
British India Dalhousie Dalhousie and Economic 'Improvement' - Infrastructure of modern state put in place (a) railways (b) telegraph (c) universities - Emphasis on both shovel and pen Dalhousie [Gov.General ] an interventionist Able to execute utilitarian policy; not simply make policy statements. Conclusion: Do the above 'Reforms' constitute a full-scale-assault on Indian Custom? If not, how do we explain the Mutiny?
British India Blog Questions 1. What did Utilitarianism, as outlined by James Mill and applied by its apologists for generations, consist of in the Indian context? 2. T. B. Macauley's Minute of Education (1838) is always depicted as the centrepiece of British 'reformism'. Why was it important? 3. In what ways was Dalhousie's approach to the improvement of Indian society different from either Mill's or Macauley's?
British India Articles K.A. Ballhatchet, 'The Home Government and British Educational Policy', Cambridge Historical Journal, 10, 1951 Special Issue of Indo-British Review: 'The East India Company Raj', Vol. XXI, no. 2 (1996) G.D. Bearce, 'Lord William Bentinck: The Application of Liberalism to India', Journal of Modern History. 28, 1956 S. Gopal, 'Dalhousie', History Today, 9, 1959 G & N Sirkin, 'Battle of Indian Education: Macaulay's Opening Salvo Newly Discovered', Victorian Studies, 14, 1971 E. Stokes, 'Macaulay: the Indian Years ', Review of English Literature, 1, 1960