TE-MPE-TM 09/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section WIC: Overview of on-going projects + Outlook to LS1 activities: - Short introduction to WIC systems - Booster renovation - Linac 4 - HIE-ISOLDE - PS - Other projects - SPS: See Yan’s dedicated presentation Co-authors: Markus Zerlauth, Pierre Dahlen, Ivan Romera Ramirez, Richard Mompo and Yan Bastian 1
TE-MPE-TM 09/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section WIC (Warm magnet Interlock Controller) layout Standardized interlock system for normal conducting magnets based on SIEMENS PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers): –Collects inputs from thermo-switches, flow switches, PC faults… –Then gives the Power Permit to the power converter + Beam Permit to BIS (LHC) Configuration DB
TE-MPE-TM 09/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section WIC principle The Warm magnet Interlock Controller is a PLC based system, using deported I/O crates (connected via Profibus). The Siemens “F” (F stands for Fail safe) Series PLC is used, offering a self checking safety environment and programming through ‘Safety Matrix’. We use generic SW and (to some extent) HW for all our installation, to allow for efficient and resource optimized installation, commissioning and operation. The program running in the WIC is extremely simple IF (Magnet Overheats) OR (Flow Switch opens) THEN [According to the Configuration file] Switch-off the relevant PC(s) 3
TE-MPE-TM 09/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Interlock boxes Interlock boxes are placed on or close to each magnet to collect all input signals. For maintenance purpose, a remote test feature is implemented (by means of a relay) in order to simulate the opening of any input signal. This operation can be done remotely and allow us to check periodically the installation during shutdowns.
TE-MPE-TM 09/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section WIC elements installed in LHC tunnel Thermoswitch - ELMWOOD Type 3106 – T117 (responsibility of TE-MSC) Magnet Interlock Box with relay to simulate the opening of a thermoswitch Note: Only the Magnet Interlock Boxes are installed in the LHC tunnel (I/O crates are installed in US/UJ/TZ areas)
TE-MPE-TM 09/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section WIC systems currently in Operation 17 Controllers & ~ 310 I/O crates ~ 1000 magnets are protected WIC LHC (2007) TT60 & Ti2 TT66 (Hi Rad Mat.) 4 c. TT40 & Ti8 (2004) 2 c. WIC TT41 (CNGS) 1 c. WIC LEIR (2005) 1 c. (2009) 1 c. WIC 8 controllers LINAC3WIC (2005) (2010) Courtesy of Pierre Dahlen
TE-MPE-TM 09/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section PLC & PVSS programming The programming of the PLC is done in collaboration with EN/ICE-PLC. The Programming of the PVSS supervision is done in collaboration with EN/ICE- SCD. The advantages of having a supervision: o On line status of the full installation (Magnets & PCs). o Communication statuses: Ethernet and Profibus. o Full diagnostic with exact location of faults o Archiving of all faults (History Buffer) in SCADA + LHC Logging o Full integration in DIAMON + LASER (Alarm system) o Allows remote operation, supervision and testing of the installation o We receive a warning message in case of problems on one of the PLC power supplies (true redundancy). 7
TE-MPE-TM 09/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section BOOSTER Project 8 The PS Booster is a synchrotron composed of four superimposed rings divided into 16 periods. It delivers a variety of beams for the downstream PS, SPS and LHC machines as well as high intensity beams for ISOLDE.
TE-MPE-TM 09/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section 9 BOOSTER Project View of a typically period Mains: -2 Dipoles: BHZ11 & BHZ12 -2 Focusing quadrupoles: QFO11 & QFO12 -1 Defocusing quadrupole: QDE Multipoles: Different configuration per period (cf. slide 12)
TE-MPE-TM 09/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section 10 BOOSTER Project Spare quadrupole magnet Quad installed in the Booster Multipole Stack: XNO/XSK/ONO/OSK Magnets views in the Booster machine
TE-MPE-TM 09/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section 11 BOOSTER Project Due to the configuration file in which we cannot exceed 20 input modules (=480I) and 80 output for the Power-converters, we have to use 4 PLC to control all the magnets and the 177 Power-Converters: -PLC1 with 16 Deported units CIWRA_11 to CIWRA_116 for the main magnets inputs which control 3 Power-Converters. -PLC2 with 16 Deported units CIWRA_21 to CIWRA_216 for the 1 st Multipoles which control 22 Power-Converters. -PLC3 with 6 Deported units CIWRA_33 to CIWRA_316 for the 2nd Multipoles which control 72 Power-Converters. -PLC4 with 5 Deported units CIWRA_42 to CIWRA_412 for the 3nd Multipoles which control 80 Power-Converters. 174 interlock boxes will be installed on the magnets to collect the signals from thermo-switches as well as to carry out the remote tests.
TE-MPE-TM 09/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section 12 BOOSTER Project Distribution of the Power-converters for the multipole magnets based on the PLC where they are connected
TE-MPE-TM 09/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Linac4 Project 13 2 PLCs will be installed in Linac4 -1 st PLC which controls 50 magnets and 65 Power-converters for the Linac4 line -2 nd PLC which controls 39 magnets and 45 Power-converters for the transfer line. Linac4 Transfer line
TE-MPE-TM 09/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Linac4 Project The DIC for the installation has been sent to EN/EL PLC for LINAC4 will be installed in rack: MYWIC01 PLC for Transfer Line will be installed in rack: MYWIC02 LS1 After LS1 (July-Dec 2014): Closing line for protons Commissioning to 100MeV After LS1 (July-Dec 2014): Closing line for protons Commissioning to 100MeV WIC commissioning
TE-MPE-TM 09/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Layout stage 1 Layout stage 2 Independent powering of each magnet (115 PCs) WPD ready to be circulated for approval 2 PLCs (11 I/O crates) + 8 patch panels + 90 Interlock boxes to produce HWC of the WIC planned for June – August 2014 HIE-ISOLDE project Magnets to be protected by a WIC system
TE-MPE-TM 09/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section PS project Officially still under the responsibility of EN-MEF-INJ. o But R. Brown is leaving for retirement in Feb. 2013, TE-MPE + TE-MSC to take over responsibility thereafter (Memo to be written) R. Brown gave us a visit of the installation in Bldg. 355 & Bld. 365 on o Conclusion of the visit: Last consolidation was done in There are enough spares for the correctors, but the spare crate for the mains was cannibalised! Our priority is to re-cable and test this spare crate o We found all missing components. o The drawing for the cabling that we have is not up to date! It does not include modifications done after TE-EPC exchanged the main power supply (POPS). Action foreseen during next TS. During LS1, some refurbishment of the installation will require some modification to the existing installation! o Mainly to remove interlock switches on some cabinets that will be removed. No WIC deployment/renovation is foreseen for the PS for the LS1 period, but will be discussed for LS2. 16
TE-MPE-TM 09/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Other projects Ti2-Ti8-TT40: o Consolidation of existing system by adding remote testing feature (some 900 magnet interlock boxes to be modified + 40 remote I/O crates!) ELENA: o Not started as postponed by 1 year (2016?), plan is still to finalise the design this year. Block4, SM18, FRESCA: o Not started, no date for completion yet o Time frame to be agreed with QPS plans, probably between LS1 and LS2? S-FRS magnet test facility (Bldg. 180): o Not started, no date for completion yet o Time frame to be agreed with QPS plans, probably between LS1 and LS2? North zone consolidation project? o Big project (400 magnets & PCs)! o Nothing decided yet, pre-study for early 2013, then project and budget to be approved o Time frame >=LS2 Other projects + SPS renovation: See Yan’s presentation! + SPS renovation: See Yan’s presentation!
TE-MPE-TM 09/08/2012, TE-MPE-MS section Thank you for your attention! 18