What is a Podcast? Podcasting in Plain English Audio or audio/video broadcast (Vodcast) first used to download to iPods = “pod”cast Personal On Demand
Podcast in Plain English
Samples Nova and Nova Science Now Nova and Nova Science Now Ask a Biologist Ask a Biologist TED talks
Why Podcasts? Content Variety – learning styles Anytime-anywhere learning Audience Public speaking Organizational skills Research Sharing what you’ve learned 21 st Century Skills Many to Many
Where Do I Find Podcasts? iTunes Store iTunes U Tech Savvy Girls Smithsonian Kids National Geographic Kids Super Why (PBS)
iTunes U
Resources Atomic Learning's Podcasting Workshop - An Introduction to Audio Podcasting (subscription service) Atomic Learning's Podcasting Workshop - An Introduction to Audio Podcasting Bernie Dodge's Resources for Educational Podcasting Bernie Dodge's Resources for Educational Podcasting Lit2Go: MP3 Stories and Poems Lit2Go: MP3 Stories and Poems EdTechTalk EdTechTalk Apple Learning Interchange - iPods and iTunes in the Classroom Apple Learning Interchange - iPods and iTunes in the Classroom WebTools4u2use >> Audio & Podcasting WebTools4u2use >> Audio & Podcasting Podcasting in Education | PoducateMe Podcasting in Education | PoducateMe
Content What are students learning? What do students know? What can they share? Who will the audience be? virtual field trips careers study guides book talks... fluency podcasts Our City Our City Classy Kansas City
Created with Wordle
Production Process Listen to other podcasts Plan Research Write Rehearse/practice Record Publish
Tools Editing capabilities: Garageband (MAC) Audacity Audacity video tutorials audacity-tutorial.htm audacity-tutorial.htm Online but no or little editing: Podbean Pod-o-matic Gcast Gabcast
Other options for creation Skype (record session) Photo Story 3 iMovie MovieMaker
Final Product Publish to a web site RSS feed (Really Simple Syndication) Subscriptions
Equipment Necessary: Computer Software Garageband, Audacity, etc., or online creators Microphone (internal or external) OR phone It would be nice: Better microphones Pop Filters iPod/iTouch with recorders
Hosting – where will it be posted? School Server iWeb Libsyn Bluehost Dreamhost Go Daddy Wordpress/Podpress
Create a Podcast Audacity software Garageband software
Wikis in Plain English
What is a Wiki? Wikis in Plain English: dnL00TdmLY dnL00TdmLY Wiki Wiki (quick – Hawaiian)
Samples of Wikis Wikipedia (2001) Non-profit and no ads, open publication license Boyer’s Class Web 2.0: Cool Tools for Schools Courtney’s and Nancy’s Pirate Wiki
Why Wikis? Collaboration tool Application of skills Everyone can be an expert And all contributions are valued Web space?
Wiki Works Private Wikis – members only Public Wiki – the whole world Protected - viewed by everyone, but only those invited may edit
Consumers or Producers Do you want to: Use already created wikis for gathering information or learning Web 2.0: Cool Tools for Schools Contribute to an established wiki Create your own wiki Student collaboration wiki example Which is the most meaningful to students?
Content What goes in your wiki? Planning and organizing with a group Combining research/information Adding to a knowledge base Creating and sharing ideas or documents
Process Sign up Create a space and name it Edit: Create content Links to other pages, web sites Invite others to collaborate
What do you need? Computer Idea
Create sign in my account create a new wiki (in tool bar right)