Unit 5b: How do Muslims express their beliefs? Unit 6c: Why are sacred texts important?


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 5b: How do Muslims express their beliefs? Unit 6c: Why are sacred texts important?

Unit 6c: Why are sacred texts important? Television Older siblings Friends Parents/ Guardians Books TeachersThe Internet Magazines Where do we get guidance from?

Unit 6c: Why are sacred texts important? Many people use sacred texts to give them guidance in their lives. Think about one of the stories from a sacred text you have learned about, for example from the Qur’an, the Bible, the Torah etc. Working in groups, rewrite the story you have chosen in a way that will make it easy to understand for young children. You will have to think about: Using simple words that young children will understand Using questions which help the children to understand the importance of the story Making sure you include all the important parts of the story so that it keeps the same meaning as the original. You may want to illustrate your story with pictures or patterns.

Unit 6c: Why are sacred texts important? Can you explain the meaning of the word ‘sacred’ ? dedicated to God worthy of respect specialset apart for worship Think about the sacred texts you have studied. How are sacred texts treated? Where are they kept? How does this show their importance to believers? Why do you think members of some faiths treat their sacred texts differently to members of others? Make an acrostic of the word ‘sacred’ to show what your understanding of the meaning of the word is.

Unit 6c: Why are sacred texts important? Look at one of the sacred texts you have studied What are the most important teachings of this text? How do the teachings of the text affect the way that members of this religion live their lives? Does the text provide guidance for people to overcome the problems in their lives? Read extracts from the sacred text and think about how you could express the main message or teaching of the text in an artistic form. Remember that in the Muslim faith, it is not permitted to draw pictures of people or animals, especially not God or Muhammed.

Unit 6c: Why are sacred texts important? How are sacred texts used in worship? Write a short presentation which you could give to younger children explaining the way that a particular sacred text is used in the worship of a particular faith. You will need to think about: Where the text is placed, and when it is used. Are there any preparations to make before using the text? What language is the text written in? Is there a part of the worship where the text is explained to the worshippers? Can you give examples of the kind of readings from the text? What type of writing is used in the text? (poems, stories, rules etc.)

Unit 6c: Why are sacred texts important? Do you know which of the sacred texts named below belongs to which religion? The Qur’an The Torah Guru Granth Sahib The Bible The Vedas Christianity Hinduism Islam Sikhism Judaism