1 MSA is the world’s leading manufacturer of high- quality Safety Products and Gas Detection System Solutions, protecting people throughout the world for over a century. With manufacturing operations on five continents and with more than 40 locations worldwide, MSA serves customers in more than 140 countries. All MSA products meet local and international standards. Always there for you With MSA's worldwide presence we deliver the right safety solution to the right place, at the right time, supported by highly skilled personnel at local MSA offices. About 5,000 MSA staff are at work throughout the world to ensure that you always get the best safety solution. We are always ready to assist you in choosing the right option and to help you purchase the right equipment. Whatever information and advice you require on our products and services, we are always there for you.
2 MSA PRODUCTS - Supplied Air Respirators1
3 - AIR-PURIFYING RESPIRATORS 2 Filtered respiratory protection is dependent on the ambient atmosphere. Local regulations concerning the use of filtering devices must be observed. In order to use filtering respirators, the type, properties and composition of the hazardous agent in the ambient air must be known. The oxygen content in the inhalation air must be sufficient [for example according to German regulations: at least 17 vol %]. When using particle filters, no hazardous gases may be present; when using gas filters, no hazardous particles. In case of doubt, a combined filter must be used. The most frequently used filters are of the ABEK type, which protect against many hazards at the same time, due to the wide range of protection that they provide. Based on EN 14387, these filters have an application range covering the code letters A, B, E and K. Benefits for the user include: safe selection, no mix-ups, economical procurement, simpler stock keeping. High- grade multiple range filters have an even greater sphere of application, e. g. the combined filter 89 ABEK CO NO Hg/St or 89 A2B2E2K2 Hg/St.
4 3 - Head, Eye & Hearing Protection [ Versatility. Reliability. Comfort. ] Due to their importance and sensitivity, the protection of the head, face, vision and hearing in many working environments is a paramount consideration. Whether required for the special, most demanding requirements of firefighters, rescue teams and policemen or the wide field of industrial use, MSA provides a huge selection of the best head protection, integrated or attached face shields, advanced systems for communication and hearing protection as well as fashionable protective eyewear. These products are extremely reliable, comfortable and designed to work perfectly in conjunction with all MSA equipment, e.g. respiratory protectors. Furthermore, a complete range of accessories is available to suit your individual needs.
5 4 - Body Protection [ The Clever Choice Against Aggressive Hazards ] Not only is the skin the largest organ, it is also one of the most sensitive. Special protective work-clothing provides a “thick skin” to protect the “thin skin” that nature has given us. Whether for natural disaster, decontamination work or the plugging of toxic leaks, MSA has the right type of garment for every conceivable eventuality. Gastight chemical protective clothing is designed to protect against solid, liquid, gaseous or vaporous hazards. Total encapsulating suits completely enclose the body and isolate it from the ambient air. The air supply is provided by a compressed air breathing apparatus or a compressed airline breathing apparatus with air supply from an airline or a compressor. MSA suit materials are proven products, such as Vautex SL and Champions Elite, but the range also includes the latest multilayer film compound material Vautex Elite, a combination of Eastover-coated fabric and film laminate. For other applications MSA offers chemical protective overalls in different materials. MSA protective gloves are designed to protect the hands against different hazards, mechanical injuries, cold and heat. They are made of different materials appropriate to the kind of protection required.
6 5 - Thermal Imaging [ For the Toughest Demands ] MSA’s state-of-the-art thermal imaging cameras [TIC] are invaluable tools for fire fighters and police, e.g. for fast and safe navigation in smoke filled rooms or dark environments. The four TIC models feature the same ergonomic design, robust components and extreme durability. The image quality is best-in-class. But the MSA TIC models each feature different resolutions in order to ensure the optimal price- performance ratio for each application. The practical modular system allows all four types of camera to be enhanced with a Video Transmission System or a Video Capture. The Video Transmission System gives the back-up team a clear view of what is happening on the fire ground in real time. Furthermore a unique Video Capture for documentation purposes is easily adaptable to all four cameras
7 6 - Portable Gas Detection [ Reliable Protection whatever the Demands ] Portable measuring instruments and personal monitors can be grouped into three application areas: Combustible Gases There are three elements required to ignite combustible gases: 1. Fuel or flammable gas 2. Heat or a source of ignition 3. Oxygen to support combustion This is known as the fire triangle. If you remove any one of the elements, combustion will not occur. The percentage of combustible gas in the air is also important. According to the ATEX manufacturer directive 94/9/EC and the user directive 99/92/EC, any personal monitor for flammable gases, if used as a safety device to reduce the risk of explosion, has to be performance approved. Any manufacturer seeking ATEX EC certification must demonstrate that their product conforms to EN [or EN 50054] as a minimum requirement for gaining ATEX approval. All MSA combustible gas detectors are designed to comply fully with ATEX standards and can therefore be used as safety devices. Oxygen Instruments to monitor oxygen deficiency or enrichment [measurement in vol.% range], to warn of the danger of asphyxiation or to monitor the inerting of tanks and containers. Toxic Gases In order to recognize and measure toxic substances in the ambient air [typically in ppm – parts per million], multi-gas instruments such as ALTAIR 5 are used.
8 6 –a - Portable Gas Detection [ Reliable Protection whatever the Demands ]
9 6 – Permanent Gas Detection [ Complete Safety Solutions ] Monitoring of hazardous gases and vapors in plants and large areas is necessary in all branches of industry. Directives and regulations covering the protection of plant and personnel as well as the monitoring of immersions require suitable gas detection equipment. In addition to portable instruments for personnel monitoring, permanently installed detection systems [detectors and controllers] are used for continuous monitoring. MSA is one of the few suppliers of permanent gas detection technology that develops and manufactures a complete range of sensors, controllers and monitors and integrates them into system solutions. This is the way to develop optimum systems that can meet all customer requirements at an excellent performance- price ratio - an unbeatable case for safety and flexibility. Whether stand-alone, or integrated into existing control and monitoring systems, MSA offers made-to-measure solutions. MSA's portfolio on Permanent Gas and Flame Detection Systems includes: Controllers Detectors Sensors Monitors Fire and Gas Detection Systems