Best Practices: Overcoming Implementation Challenges and Barriers Nancy Borkowski, DBA, CPA, FACHE, FHMA Clinical Associate Professor Florida International University Healthcare MBA
What is Change Management? Source: ExperiencePoint, Toronto, ON, Canada
Unfreezing: Driving and Restraining Forces
Organizational Level External & Internal Driving Forces Increased demands for higher quality and levels of customer service Greater competition Higher cost of inputs Legislation & increased regulation Political interests Ethics & social values A general sense that the organization could “do better” Desire to increase profitability Increase efficiency Conflict between departments The need for greater flexibility in organizational structures Restraining Forces ?
Change Management is about People! Source: ExperiencePoint, Toronto, ON, Canada
Kotter's 8-Step Change Model Kotter's model details a process whereby managers may initiate, direct, implement, and foster organizational change via employee engagement.
Kotter’s 8-Steps 1.Increase urgency 2.Build the guiding team 3.Get the vision right 4.Communicate for buy-in 5.Empower action 6.Create short-term wins 7.Don't let up 8.Make change stick Source: Boundless
#1 Increase Urgency The organization inspires people to move, make objectives real and relevant, and further their desire to make change happen.
#2 - Build the Guiding Team The organization gets the right people in place as leaders with the right emotional commitment and understanding, and the right mix of skills and levels.
#3 - Get the Vision Right The organization gets the team to establish a simple vision and strategy, and then focus on the emotional and creative aspects necessary to drive service and efficiency.
#4 - Communicate for Buy-in The organization involves as many people as possible, communicates the essentials, and appeals and responds to people's needs. The organization de-clutters and streamlines processes, policies, technology, communications, etc., making it efficient rather than overwhelming for employees.
#5 - Empower Action The organization removes obstacles, enables constructive feedback and lots of support from leaders, and rewards and recognizes progress and achievements.
#6 - Create Short-Term Wins The organization sets aims that are easy to achieve in manageable chunks, manages the number of initiatives taking place at once, and finishes current stages before starting new ones. Celebrate short term wins while working toward an overall goal of change.
#7 - Don't Let Up The organization fosters and encourages determination, persistence, and ongoing progress reporting. This can be done by highlighting achieved and future milestones.
#8 - Make Change Stick The organization reinforces the value of successful change via recruitment, promotion, and new change leaders. The organization makes change a fundamental part of the culture so people do not consider it as foreign.
Best Practices: Overcoming Implementation Challenges and Barriers Much Success in Your Change Initiative!