Rhythm of Poetry- The Effects of Poetry Day 1= What IS poetry? Day 2= Is poetry important? Day 3= What makes a poem “good?” Day 5= What will your verse be
So far. . . . Day 1= Essential Understandings Based on what we’ve done today, what is your “final” definition of poetry? Is poetry important? Why/Why not? (Think individual, local, global) How did poetry affect the identity of the examples we’ve looked at? How does poetry affect identity? How does identity affect poetry? How did the people we looked at impact poetry? How does poetry affect humanity?
. . . And yesterday. . . We decided “good” poems must: Have a theme Take out= Make you think Make sense Be transformative Enjoyable Display creativity Interpret Add= Inspire emotion Effective Be expressive Be original
Last night’s “fun”work! ;D Role of Song in Family Life: Interview older relatives or neighbors and ask them about the role songs played in their lives! When did they sing? What were the songs or lyrics. . . Discuss your findings and compare with the role of music in today’s families. Song lyrics and Artist’s Point of View: Identify social issues presented in songs of the past. Use clues in the song lyrics to determine the artist’s point of view, and also compare these songs to popular songs of today. Are the issues similar or different? Discuss
Today’s hook. . . *DISCLAIMER* It is not up to this class or the students in this class to determine whether or not you agree with the viewpoints expressed in these videos. We are examining the content for the purpose of discussing poetry as a medium for social and political change! While you listen to these two songs; keep a list of words/ideas that you believe might spark change. Same Love Dear Mr. President
TODAY :D Today you’re going to use the computers to research famous poems and poets throughout history. What effect did these have on our world? *THIS IS THE MOST DIFFICULT ASSIGNMENT I’VE HAD TO CREATE!* Feel free to add your own poems and poets that, you feel, should be added to the list (and WHY) You will then create a time-line of these poets/poems (“some of them” are out of order! ;D)
Helpful sites. . . http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-21143345 http://www.thehypertexts.com/Songs%20and%20 Poems%20that%20Changed%20the%20World.htm http://forums.speedguide.net/showthread.php?10 3259-100-songs-that-changed-the-world http://www.blackhistory.com/content/209645/top -25-songs-that-changed-black-america http://legendsiconsrebels.com/music.html
Time Line Now that you’re research is almost complete. You are to create a time-line of, what YOU believe are the TOP SEVEN MOST INFLUENTIAL SONGS/POEMS (and WHY?!) Discuss
CLASS time line! :D Here’s the tricky part; for the rest of class, you are going to decide as a WHOLE GROUP, what are the SEVEN MOST INFLUENTIAL songs/poems (and why?!) If you had to pair each of the “modern” poets with an “old, boring” poet, which ones would you pair together and why? Which ones had similar effects on society? Explain! ;D