GENERAL PHARMACY STAFF TRAINING -- HANDOUT This general handout is designed to compliment the “Online General Staff Training Video” for all Non Tony Ferguson trained staff in pharmacy. Training is essential for all staff to better understand the changes from September 1 st 2014 to the Tony Ferguson weight Loss for Life program, to assist all customers enquiring in store. 6 points to tell enquiring customers
“It’s a long term weight loss program. It’s designed for people who want to lose weight and keep it off in the long term. It’s not a quick fix program” “With the new program you come in and have a consultation each week” “The program has been totally re-written around the Australian Dietry Guidelines for healthy eating” “The focus is on learning to eat the right foods in the correct portions from each of the 5 food groups outlined in the guidelines” “There’s a new program guide. You cover off a new topic each week and your guide builds up each week into a comprehensive weight loss reference.” “I can set you up with an appointment with our Tony Ferguson consultant now, and I’ll get you a brochure that explains the program” 6 points to tell enquiring customers about the New Tony Ferguson Weight Loss for Life Program
Customer Asks about TF No Yes Is the consultant available? Get the consultant Introduce by name Have you done TF before? No Yes Explain key changes Explain who the consultant is Provide brochure Make an appointment Explain program overview Explain who the consultant is Provide brochure Make an appointment
Floating around the weight loss section No Yes Are you wanting to learn more about Tony Ferguson, everybody is talking about it at the moment. No Yes Is the consultant available? Get the consultant Introduce by name Have you done TF before? No Yes Explain key changes Explain who the consultant is Provide brochure Make an appointment Explain program overview Explain who the consultant is Provide brochure Make an appointment It’s a great new program Explain program overview Explain who the consultant is Provide brochure Make an appointment
Customer Wants to purchase shakes No Yes Is the consultant available? Get the consultant Introduce by name Advise the customers the sachets can now only be purchased, via appointment on the New program– refer to the in store Notice. Explain key changes Explain who the consultant is Make an appointment If the customer does not wish to make an appointment direct them to the alternative Meal replacement products in your store.