TUTOR SYSTEM For newly arrived international students Under the guidance of the international student’s academic advisor Peer-to-peer assistance related to study or research Improving international students’ study & research Broadening tutors’ international scope 2
ROLE OF THE TUTOR Peer-to-peer assistance or support To help with the study or research of the international student (tutee) *Tutoring activity may change overtime according to the tutee’s progress & needs *Help maintaining a periodic communication between the international student and the academic supervisor 3 PEER SUPPORT
TUTOR QUALIFICATIONS Nagoya University students (undergraduate or postgraduate level) International students (with more than 1 year of stay in Japan) Regardless of faculty affiliation *Selection is based on the recommendation from the academic supervisor or faculty’s recruitment *International student’s affiliated school handles the selection, management, and compensation of the tutor 4
TUTEES AND TUTORING HOURS 1 Undergraduate international students for the first two years after admission 40 hours/semester Postgraduate international students (including research students, kenkyusei) for the first year after arriving in Japan 40 hours/semester ILC students in the Japanese Language/Culture Course 10 hours/semester 5
TUTEES AND TUTORING HOURS 2 NUPACE students 40 hours/semester *25 hours are allocated to the affiliated faculty 15 hours are allocated to IEEC Non-NUPACE students 40 hours/semester Other students not mentioned above upon the request and the consideration of the faculty *Possible to shorten or extend tutoring hours (within budget allowance) 6
TUTORING ACTIVITIES 1 ACADEMIC ASSISTANCE Assistance related to lectures, researches, experiments or courseworks Advice on course and seminar preparations and/or reports Advice on academic writing Advice on the usage of facilities and equipment Language practice & assistance with Japanese Explanation of Japanese culture and customs Advice on entrance examination related preparation 7
TUTORING ACTIVITIES 2 SUPPLEMENTARY ASSISTANCE Assistance with university related administrative procedures, official documents, and opening a bank account Help with search for housing Help with buying essential items after arrival Accompany tutees to the hospital * Please consult with the academic supervisor or the international student advisor if you are uncertain what activities fall within the extent of the tutor 8
DOCUMENTS REQUIRED Tutoring Activity Proposal (Jisshi Keikakusho) Copy of the tutor’s Student ID Documents for compensation distribution Monthly Tutoring Activity Report (Jisseki Houkokusho) *Forms and procedure may vary between individual faculty 9
FEEDBACKS FROM THE TUTEES “ My tutor was very supportive when I was worried about my entrance examination.” “I managed to befriend with my course mates in the same research group through my tutor.” “I was often contacted by my tutor to inquire about my status. Even though I was in a foreign country, I could feel the warmth of a family member with me.” 10
FEEDBACKS FROM THE TUTORS “I was able to increase my learning as I researched on various subject matters in order to explain to the international student.” “I was able to further improve my understanding of foreign culture as a result of our discussion on our cultures.” “When I saw how active and hardworking the international student was, I was also encouraged to study harder myself.” “When I wrote that I had been a tutor on my resume, I was asked about it and it positively increased my evaluation during the job interview.” 11