Examples from user generated repository KlasCement EdReNe Conference Barcelona 24-26.03.2010 Hans De Four.


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Presentation transcript:

Examples from user generated repository KlasCement EdReNe Conference Barcelona Hans De Four

 Context  Standards and interoperability  Repository strategies  Engaging users  Rights issues  What’s happening at KC?  User research

 Flanders: teachers  KlasCement: Educational portal User generated content Since 1998 Support from MoE since 2002  MoE Flanders Does not create digital learning objects Does not provide money for others to do this

 Members: (BE: NL: Rest: 1000)  Learning objects: (+25/schoolday +5000/year)  Referatory  Hyperlinks: 2700

 Repository Digital content  Docs: 6000 (pdf doc xls ppt odt …)  Ware: 600 (exe dmg …)  Multimedia: 1800 (video: 600, pictures: 1200, audio: 20) Practises: 600 (experiences, articles, …) Activities: 800 (by organisations, musea, …) Exercises  Hot pot, Jclic, …: 100  SCORM: 4000 (online language learning) Non digital (text books): No Commercial: Very limited

 To make it easier to find quality content Keyword Filter: Type Subject Theme Date Author …  Only if useful for user or repository  Automatic metadata: only what is correct (filetype, size, date, contributor, …)

 7% of users share 4500 users! 4500 users!  Make it easy: one simple URL  Give users the choice: Quick (Mandatory fields) Extended (All useful fields)  Stimulate (see user engagement)

 Start to use KC for their repository with content: Adobe Organisation of teachers Protestant religion  What about their quality control?

 VLE Content from KC to VLE  Smartschoolvia KC Search widget  Edurep > Teletop, Fronter, … via harvesting Future?: Content from VLE to KC  Other repositories Content from KC to other repositories  Edurep  European Schoolnet (lreforschools, Aspect) Near future: Content from other repositories to KC  Share with Facebook, Twitter, …  Content can be found by search engines (Google, …)

 KC: 4000 online exercises for language learning NOT user generated! (Project by government) Creating Scorm learning objects:  Too difficult for teachers  No need to  No stimuli  Doesn’t always work in every platform Test with conversion Scorm – Common Cartridge in ASPECT project (showcase)

 Moderation by ‘experts’ (teachers KC) Metadata: title, keywords, subject, … Content: no spelling mistakes, trustworthy, curriculum related, immediately useful, not too commercial, … Copyright violation? No pedagogical advise or disapproval because of pedagogy  User quality assurance ReviewsAdd to favourites (Star) ratingsShare with others

 Content  Reactions  Broken links  Synonyms  Themes  Members  Special days /weeks  Old content  Correction of metadata

 Access and Identity Management  Single sign on? Maybe … No priority because: No mandatory use of the authentication solution for important services No cooperation with content and service providers to ensure broad uptake Although we would like to!

KlasCement is YOUR site!  KC.BE + KC.NL + KC.EU = KC.NET  Visit and adjust your personal profile  Communicate via your personal mailbox  Save your personal favourites

KlasCement is YOUR site!  Copy personal RSS-feeds  Receive personal newsletters  Invite your colleagues and friends  Earn personal credits and view your report (profile box)

 KlasCement Points (Credits) Start: 1000 points View contribution: - 2 points Add contribution: + 40 to points Comment, rate, …: + 5 to + 20 points International Day of the Teacher: + 50 points Birthday: + 50 points Promoting KC or helping or team: + … points Future: Exchange points to buy things via KC (250 points = 1 euro)

 KlasCement Prizes: Small prizes Free entrance tickets for cinema, amusement parks, … Books DVD’s of quality movies USB-sticks Licenses for software  KlasCement Awards: Bigger prizes Every two year Best content based on  User review Hits Ratings Reactions

 Feedback form: Listen > Reply > Act!  Classy.be: Free webspace for exercises … Free weblogs for communication …  Real life meeting: ICT-days 2x per year  Future: Possibility to use credits to buy educational software or other products (Access control).

 View who rated your content  User generated awards for contribution and activity  Statistics: track and show activity of content and members

1. Work with and invest in teachers (bottom-up) 2. Provide quality of content AND users! 3. Show your users 4. Communicate fast 5. Be helpful and enthusiastic 6. Send interesting newsletters 7. Keep it / IT simple!

 Present clear and easy to understand info on usage rights  When sharing: ask questions about source and usage  Use your experts to review before approval  Use your users to review after approval  Creative commons (where possible and useful)  Meet educational publishers  Put it on the political agenda  “Think about open access!” ?? (Access control)

 Multilinguality of User Interface: NL EN Application profiles (vocabularies): NLBE NLNL EN Metadata (Google Translation + user review) Content (eQNet)

 Travel well KC & LRE Beyond language barrier Beyond cultural barrier  9 countries  Up to 3000 resources  Czech Portuguese Italian Lithuanian …  Tag: travelwell eqnet

 Learning paths  Cultural heritage, museums, archives  Integration of Math Editor (Wiris)  Business Model (as open as possible)  KC for your country of institution?

25 Users: only NL Content: only NL Users: only BE Content: only BE Users: not BE or NL Content: not BE or NL Users: any user Content: all objects

 1139 respondents  Discovered KC: By coincidende: 34% Klasse (Educational monthly magazine): 29% Google: 23% Colleagues: 16% … Flyer: 2% 26

27 1. To find learning objects 2. To discover new ideas for my lesson 3. … 4. To get in contact with colleagues ________ On average our users visit KC once a week Google Analytics: 5000 absolute unique visitors a day (max 6500) – a month – a year

28 1. Via keyword in search engine 2. Thanks to newsletter 3. Via menubar on top of KC 4. … 5. … 6. Advanced filtering But all possibilities are very well used

29 1. As inspiration for myself 2. As exercise for my students 3. As learning object for my students 4. As illustration or presentation for my students

30 1. I adjust the content of the learning object 2. I adjust the learning object to the level of my students 3. I adjust the lay-out 4. I add extra exercises

31 Most popular opinions: 1. Logging on is easy 2. Moderation of content is useful 3. Downloading is easy 4. Asking to register is worthful 5. The website is fast

32 This is very good: 1. Content itself 2. Linguistic 3. Level of content 4. Usefulness 5. Lay-out No opinion: Relation with final objectives

33 Members:  Men: 33%  Women : 66% Contributors: 7% of the members (About 4500 members)  Men: 66%  Women: 33%

34 1. I have no time 2. I think I have no offer 3. I hesitate if others can use this 4. It’s a difficult procedure 5. I fear problems with copyright

35 1. I’m happy like it is now. I already have a lot useful content in return. 2. A small present (filmticket, book, …) 3. KlasCement-points and possibility to buy things 4. …. 5. Be paid for my content by KC 6. Be paid for my content by users 7. More visibility at KC Quote “I get a lot more positive feedback at KC then at my school.”

36 PDF – 3 pages – English PDF – A lot more pages – Dutch