National Mapping Center of Lithuania UAB “Aerogeodezijos institutas” Institute of Aerial Geodesy Ltd. Pramonės pr.13, Kaunas, Lietuva/Lithuania Dr. Vilius Zilevicius General director PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro
General Facts Established – Western Branch of All-Union Enterprise “Aerial Photos for Agriculture” – Western Branch of All-Soviet Union Institute of Aerophoto Research for Purposes of Agriculture – National Institute of Aerial Photo Geodesy (IAG) 1996 - Institute of Aerial Geodesy Ltd. (AGI) ~150 employees (Winter 2005/06) Equipment: Photogrametry: analytical and digital photogrammetry Cartography: mono-digitizing, mapping, database creation Surveying: GPS, total stations Printing: proof printing PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro
Structure of AGI certified ISO 9001:2000 PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro
Photogrammetric facilities Analytical photogrammetry: Wild PUG-4 3 Leica SD3000: AETRI, PRO600 1 Leica SD2000: ORIMA, PRO600 PATB Software Digital photogrammetry: Leica-Helava DSW300: SCAN 2 Leica-Helava DPW770: SOCET SET 2 IGN Orthomat workstations PHOTOMOD software (5 stations) Monodigitizing: 15 GeoVektra workstations PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro
Photogrammetric activities Analytical photogrammetry(SD2000, SD3000); Digital photogrammetry and production of orthophoto (DSW300, DPW770); Stereoplotting for different companies (France, Germany, Switzerland); Interpretation of spatial imagery for LTDBK50000 digital map and Corine Land Cover project; Supervision of orthophoto production for Lithuanian territory PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro
Digital ortophotomaps PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro
New ORT10LT (2005) PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro
Database driven cartography Production of GIS-oriented cartographic data Based on ESRI compatible software ArcInfo™, ArcView™, GeoVektra in use, PLTS in implementation Best technical solution at ESRI European User Conference, Florence’1998 Award “Special Achievement in GIS” at ESRI International User Conference, San Diego’1999 PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro
Technology Start of development 1996; Start of use 1997; International awards 1998, 1999; Implemented for various mapping projects PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro
KDB10LT Midi level – standard topographic map according specification Mikro level - hydrography, roads, railroads, place names, geodetic network - used with orthophoto background GDB - data for Land Parcel block interpretation PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro
Lithuanian 1: scale topographic digital map LKS-94 PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro
Lithuanian topographic 1: scale map TOP50LT PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro
Lithuanian topographic 1: scale map TOP50LKS PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro
Lithuanian topographic 1:100K scale map TOP100LKS PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro
1: scale Aeronautic Charts PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro
Small scale mapping production of Lithuanian topographic 1: scale map (24 sheets); production of Lithuanian 1: – 1: scale county maps; production of Lithuanian topographic 1: scale map; production of nautical 1: scale chart “Pape Lighthouse to Gdansk Gulf”; production of nautical 1: scale chart “Liepaja to Mys Taran”; PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro
Digital data Aerial photography ScanningAnalytical photogrammetry Airborne and satellite digital data ? PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro
Decission Functionality Price User friendly Service PHOTOMOD Orthophoto production 0.5 m (1:10000) Orthophoto production 0.25 m (1:5000) Orthorectification of satellite images Stereoplotting PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro
Thank you! PHOTOMOD User Conference September 19-22, 2006 Becici, Budva, Montenegro