Objectives Following this class, interns will be able to: Manipulate and organize data using freeze panes, sorting, and filtering Apply Excel formulas like vlookup and match Troubleshoot formula errors Present data with techniques like conditional formatting and pivot tables Utilize web-based resources for help
Benefits of Being an Excel Guru Training is time-consuming Enhances critical thinking and analysis skills Build self-sufficiency and ability to self-teach Create effective management tools – saves $$
Freeze Panes Lock column/row headers when scrolling Good for spreadsheets with lots of data Process Click on the cell to be the barrier of freeze panes. Anything above and to the left will be visible. Layout -> Window -> freeze panes
Sorting Sort by one or multiple column Keeps data organized Identify patterns in data Process To sort by just one column, click the first cell in the column to sort by. Click “A-Z” or “Z-A” button. To sort by multiple columns, highlight all data. Data -> Sort -> Custom Sort Select columns to sort by, priority, and sort direction.
Filtering Isolate data in a spreadsheet Use one or multiple parameters Process Data -> Filter to add filters to all column headers Select a column to filter, click the arrow, and select items to show and/or hide
Conditional Formatting Easy way to highlight trends, identify outliers Many different options with colors, icons, or modify font size or color Process Highlight the column, row, or group of cells Home -> Conditional Formatting -> type of formatting ‘Manage Rules’ to edit or delete formatting
Pivot Tables Organize and arrange data in a table Process Highlight all the data that will be included in your table Data -> Pivot Table; automatically creates the pivot table in a new sheet Select and order the rows, columns, and data Can modify the order of rows, the type of data (sum, count, average, etc.) Double click on a piece of the table to open a new sheet that contains data
Troubleshooting Formula Errors #N/A – No results for vlookup/match – lookup value not found. Spot check to make sure this is appropriate. #NAME? – Excel cannot recognize the text in a formula. Check the formula for typos. #VALUE! – Wrong type of argument. Check the components of the formula. #DIV/0! – dividing by zero or by a blank cell. #REF! – formula refers to a cell that is not valid, ex: column with a cell referenced in the formula was deleted. Edit formula. ##### – The column is not wide enough to display the text. Make the column wider.
Match Formula to see if a single piece of data from a main sheet also appears on a lookup sheet Process Determine that two sheets have some data in common Find the unique identifier between the two sheets Determine which sheet is ‘main’ and which is the ‘lookup’ Add formula to the main sheet and reference the appropriate column in the lookup sheet Drag formula down for all rows in the main sheet
Match =MATCH(lookup_value,lookup_array, match_type) ‘lookup_value’ = The cell in the main sheet you will try to find in the lookup sheet. The argument lookup_value is the value you want to match in lookup_array. For example, when you look up someone's number in a telephone book, you are using the person's name as the lookup value, but the telephone number is the value you want. ‘lookup_array’ = A contiguous range of cells containing possible lookup values. The argument lookup_array must be an array. Hit F4 on PC or command + t on mac to freeze the array. ‘match_type’ = The number -1, 0, or 1. The argument match_type specifies how Excel matches lookup_value with values in lookup_array. Type 0 if you want match to find the exact value in the lookup_array.
Vlookup Like match, but more complex Pull in additional information from the lookup sheet, instead of just verifying the data appears on the lookup sheet Process Determine that two sheets have some data in common Find the unique identifier between the two sheets Determine which sheet is the ‘main’ and which is the lookup Determine what information from the lookup sheet is relevant to pull into the main sheet Add formula to the main sheet and pull in desired information from the other sheet Drag formula down for all rows in the main sheet
Vlookup =VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup]) ‘lookup_value’ = The value to be found in the first column of the array. The lookup_value argument can be a value, a reference, or a text string. ‘table_array’ = The table of information in your lookup sheet to try and find the lookup_value. Hit F4 on PC or command + t on mac to freeze the array. The first column of the table_array MUST contain the lookup_value. ‘col_index_num’ = The column number in table_array from which the matching value must be returned. Count the number of columns after the first column you highlighted. ‘[range_lookup]’ = A logical value that specifies whether you want this function to find an exact match or an approximate match. Type TRUE if you want to find the closest match to the ‘lookup_value’, FALSE if you want an exact match.
Vlookup/Match Cautions The item you are looking up needs to be in the same format on both sheets. Vlookup/match will only report on the first instance of the lookup_value found. In step 2, always freeze the array. On PC hit F4, on Mac hit command + t. Vlookup - The piece of information you want to pull into the main sheet needs to be to the right of the lookup_value. You may need to reorganize columns.
Resources Microsoft courses-for-excel-2013-HA aspx courses-for-excel-2013-HA aspx Mr. Excel 9ce3c3b132eb38e2cecab8e9e 9ce3c3b132eb38e2cecab8e9e Excel-Easy - YouTube Google - $25/month, but unlimited access