An Easy-to-Use Mobile App for Personal Buy and Sell David Chow Ka Hei Jay Cheung Chun Man
Requirements 1. Easy to use 2. user can be a seller and a buyer 3. Post it with photos and location, with just few simple clicks 4. Give it an fixed price or bid it 5. Tag it with keywords and categories 6. Search for items she wants 7. Estimate the distance and time for the buyer to travel 8. Link with Facebook or other social networks is encouraged 9. Cloud platform is encouraged
Our idea An app between a social platform and an online shopping platform User can communicate with other users User can post things for selling App name: Sellfie – Sell + selfie
Reference Instagram
Reference Google material design
Reference BeeCrazy
Progress Login function
Progress Logout function
Progress Home Page
Progress Detailed View
Progress Follow User
Progress Unfollow User
Progress Bid
Progress Search
Progress Post
Progress Profile
Progress 1. Easy to use 2. user can be a seller and a buyer 3. Post it with photos and location, with just few simple clicks 4. Give it an fixed price or bid it 5. Tag it with keywords and categories 6. Search for items she wants 7. Estimate the distance and time for the buyer to travel 8. Link with Facebook or other social networks is encouraged 9. Cloud platform is encouraged
Back end MySQL database
Back end PHP
Back end JSON + HTTP Request/Response in the apps
Future functions Location
Future functions Link with facebook/google account
Future functions Notification