Revolutionise Chocolate Making Dr Liang Hao Founder Dr Choon Yen Kong Co-founder
Content Company Vision 3D Chocolate Printing Mass Innovation vs. Mass Production Choc Creator 3D Chocolate Printer 3D Printer and its Capability New Business Opportunities
Choc Edge Ltd is inspired to revolutionise chocolate making for a creative, pleasurable and healthy consumption experience. Company Vision
The Choc Edge team focuses on providing cutting- edge 3D chocolate printing solutions for creative users and establishing world-leading capability in material, machine and software development. Company Vision
Spin-off from University of Exeter R&D. Making mass innovation of chocolate simpler. 3D Chocolate Printing
Mass Innovation for personalised and unique chocolate gift on special occasion. Mass Innovation vs. Mass Production Small investment at shop front, event booth and at home. Mass production for filling up hungry stomach! Factory production with high setup cost and sell in quantity.
Simple Operation Choc Creator Personal 3D Printer Portable
Choc Creator Personal 3D Printer Design it Prepare it Print it STL, DXF G-code Yummy!
Chocolate Printing Demo
Geometrically accurate Unique and artistic design 2.5D Printing Capability
3D Printing Capability 3D geometry Repeatable Controlled density Organic structure Potential of multi-material
Realise new possibility not delivered by other processes. Design → Prepare → Print 3D Printing Capability
Creation of a range of unique, innovative and personalised products. Empower customer engagement to create value-added products and experience. Make changes to products easily and effectively without concern on cost and quality. New Business Opportunities
Provide on-demand chocolate making to rapidly meet customer needs without stock. Offer trendy on-site 3D making approach for appealing shopping experience. Reduce material wastes and repeated investment on moulding tools or staff training. New Business Opportunities
Digitise product design, production and service process for efficient business operation. E-product libraries and stores to provide numerous choices. New Business Opportunities
New Business Opportunities
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