Mountain regions of the United States Rocky Mountains Rocky Mountains Appalachian Mountains Appalachian Mountains
The Rocky Mountains
A broad mountain range in the Western United States Average temperature is 43 degrees Farehneit (32 degrees is freezing)
What would it look like outside if you lived near the Rocky Mountains?
This is what it would probably look like!
Main deposits found in the Rocky Mountains: 1.Gold2.) Silver
More pictures of the Rocky Mountains! But first… Do you remember which region of The United States where you can find them…? Do you remember which region of The United States where you can find them…?
What would it look like if you lived next to the Appalachian Mountains?
The Appalachain Mountains are a fun place for tourists Rafting Fishing Hiking Balloon rides
Mount Mitchell National Park.
The Great Smoky Mountains
Quiz time! See if you can guess if the next picture is from the Rocky or Appalachian Mountains!
Rocky or Appalachian?
Answer: Rocky!
Answer: Appalachian!
Be able to identify where you can find each mountain range on a map of the United States!
You can do it!