Course Information: Days: Thursday Time: 5:00 pm- 8:30 pm Location: COE 108 Instructor Information: Name: Tracy Vasquez Office Phone: Cell Phone: Office Hours: M-Th 4:00 pm- 5:00 pm
Paired Interviews! What is his/her name? Where is he/she from? Why does he/she want to be a teacher? What is his/her strength in technology?
Course Description This course provides future teachers the opportunity to examine the use of technology in the 21 st Century classroom. In addition to studying and utilizing a variety of technologies, such as computer software and hardware, students will develop a personal technology philosophy and classroom technology plan designed to enhance and shape their teaching skills and knowledge to better utilize emerging technology. Practicum Hours None Credits Hours 4 credits Prerequisites and Co-requisites None Readings Shelly, G. B., Gunter, G., & Gunter, R. (2010). Teachers discovering computers: Integrating technology and digital media in the classroom (6 th ed.). Boston: Thomson Course Technology. ISBN-13: Other as assigned by instructor Students are responsible for obtaining any information or assignments given during a missed class period from their colleagues. Class presentations/lectures will NOT be posted in the online classroom.
Grand Canyon University A CADEMIC S UPPORT P ROGRAMS After-school University Growing teachers, promoting leaders Calling all teachers in training! Join the Washington Elementary School District in our quest to help every child realize their potential. We have placement openings in our award winning after school academy programs. Our theme this year is Academic Avengers where we seek to unmask the hero in every child. We need energetic and committed individuals to provide after school instruction in math or reading intervention for targeted students at Title I schools. You will provide instruction to a group of ten students utilizing the After-school Academy instructional plan, intervention resources and curricular materials. Each week you will also have the opportunity to lead activities promoting positive youth development. A highly qualified WESD teacher will provide supervision and help guide you in this important work. The placements will be available two days a week for nine weeks which will help meet the requirements for your practicum experience. Each participant will receive professional development, curriculum training and a superhero toolkit. Bring your super powers! Avengers unite! Program Schedule: Classes begin in September Tuesday and Thursdays Placements available at the following schools: Ocotillo Elementary School 2:30-4:00p.m W. Ocotillo Phoenix, AZ Palo Verde Middle School 4:00-5:15p.m N. 39 th Ave Phoenix, AZ Royal Palm Middle School 3:15-4:45p.m N. 19 th Ave Phoenix, AZ If interested, please complete the Teacher Candidate Profile form. For more information, please contact: Washington Elementary School District Academic Support Programs Department
All assignments are due by midnight Arizona time on the due dates indicated. After that time, the following policy applies: one day late = 50% deduction of points earned more than one day late = 0 points Technical issues are not valid excuses for late work unless the problem stems from GCU servers, and you have evidence to support that claim. No assignment can be accepted for grading after 11:59pm on the final day of class.
Go to the Student Portal: Log in to the portal and log into LoudCloud Access your course EDU 225 Be sure to post the Discussion Question 1 for each week 1-3 Post on the Class Wall Access course materials See all assignments Access grades
Technology in Education or…the Future is Right Now Describe technologies that are widely available in K-12 education. Define digital literacy and explain its importance in K-12 education. Evaluate how technology can be used in the typical K-12 classroom to enhance teaching and learning.
Find the members of your color group Discuss the following What is digital literacy? Why teach digital literacy? How do I teach digital literacy? Find the members of your number group Share ideas with your new group ways to teach digital literacy
Literacy instruction traditionally refers to the teaching of basic literacy skills—reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Besides having basic literacy skills, today's students also need technology skills for communicating, investigating, accessing and using information, computing, thinking critically about messages inherent in new media, and understanding and evaluating data. What is digital literacy? Digital Literacy: The ability to attain deeper understanding of content by using data-analysis tools and accelerated learning processes enabled by technology. Information Literacy: The ability to access and use information, analyze content, work with ideas, synthesize thought, and communicate results. Computer Literacy: The ability to accurately and effectively use computer tools such as word processors, spreadsheets, databases, and presentation and graphic software. Why teach digital literacy? Meyer and Rose (2000), for example, point out "the potential of new technology to revitalize reading instruction and to make reading more relevant to the lives of children growing up in the Electronic Age." Bruce and Peyton (1999) state, "Teachers can use network-based approaches to literacy instruction to support authentic reading and writing, collaboration, student-centered learning, writing across the curriculum, and the creation of classroom writing activities." How do I teach digital literacy? In literacy instruction, technology has both traditional and authentic uses (see Singh & Means, 1994). A traditional use of technology is skills reinforcement; for example, students who need additional practice in reading might work individually on computers equipped with reading- comprehension software. An authentic use of technology is using it as a tool to accomplish a complex task; for example, students who are creating a written report might use the Internet for research, word-processing software to write and format the text, and hypermedia software to add images. Holum, A, & Gahala, J. Using Technology to Enhance Literacy Instruction. NCREL.ORG
What technology have you seen in the K-12 classroom? Classroom Technology
This is a question that was asked at the Mapping to the Core event earlier this year with Dr. Heidi Hayes Jacobs. She was referring to K-12 teachers in public and private schools across the country. Do you think our curriculum, methods, and discussions prepare students for now, 2013, or for the future they will face, 2018 and beyond? What aspects of your teaching are helping students prepare for the future? Digital Immigrants/Digital Natives Pair share: What do you notice about 21 st Century learning environments? Who will your students be? What skills will they need?
Do you prefer learning from “lesson 1-5” or do you prefer “a series of graded tasks into which the skills to be learned are embedded?” Do you want to know what you will learn in a lesson, or do you want to be surprise of what you learn through projects and games? Does technology teach concepts, or facts? Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives Digital Immigrants. On the Horizon, MCB University Press, Vol. 9 No. 5 %20Digital%20Natives,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf
1) photo-visual skills (“reading” instructions from graphical displays) 2) reproduction skills (utilizing digital reproduction to create new, meaningful materials from preexisting ones) 3) branching skills (constructing knowledge from non-linear, Hypertextual navigation) 4) information skills (evaluating the quality and validity of information) 5) socio-emotional skills (understanding the “rules” that prevail in cyberspace and applying this understanding in online cyberspace communication) Eshet-Alkali, Y., & Amichai-Hamburger, Y. (2004). Experiments in Digital Literacy. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 7 (4), doi: / rect=true&db=bth&AN= &site=ehost-live&scope=site In groups of 2-3 discuss: What does this skill look like? How can school support this skill? Why is this a needed skill?
NETS standards for students NETS standards for students What is the difference from 1998 to 2007? When will these need to be refreshed?
NETS standards for teachers 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity 2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments 3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning
"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth learning can be taught." -- Oscar Wilde m?articleid=2032
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Create infographics Participate in web quests Create Weebly sites Poll everywhere, Poll daddy Scavenger hunts Tutorial websites, River Deep Writing Content Packets Skill Building Language Building Who has used EdModo? Who has used Twitter?
Laptops Building Folders iRespond
On your index card: Write your name. Write your definition of digital learning and why it is important. Write any remaining questions, comments, or requests you have.