Elizabeth Nesius Writing Center Coordinator Passaic County Community College The Hybrid Tutoring Experience: The Path to Better Writers
Colleges too often view online and face-to-face tutoring as completely separate and even in opposition to each other. This presentation will discuss using online tutoring in conjunction with face-to-face tutoring as two halves of a complete tutoring experience. We will look at the PCCC Writing Center’s combination of the use of eTutoring with face-to-face tutoring to help students improve not only individual papers, but also their writing in general.
Historical Backdrop In 2007, a Title V Grant was awarded to Passaic County Community College to fund the creation of a writing intensive program. 20 interdisciplinary, multi-section writing intensive courses are being developed over 5 years. A writing center was created to support these courses.
PCCC Writing Center The mission of the PCCC Writing Center is to support students taking writing intensive courses. A secondary function of the Center is to offer tutoring for students preparing to take the College Writing Exam.
College Writing Exam The College Writing Exam (CWE) is a graduation requirement for all PCCC students. For the CWE, students are asked to write a five paragraph essay of at least 450 words about a general topic or a topic from their major. Students have two hours to compose a coherent, college level essay on one of the two topics. (The topics are not given in advance.)
Creation of the Hybrid System Face-to-Face tutoring is traditional method Online tutoring is becoming increasingly popular at many schools PCCC used online tutoring to support students in writing before the Writing Center; no face- to-face facility for college level students.
Creation of the Hybrid System Neither system satisfactory to all students With the creation of the Writing Intensive program, it became apparent that the best system for the students would be a combination of online and face-to-face tutoring.
Face-to-Face Tutoring Writing Intensive Courses Students receive help with all writing assignments Help offered at all stages, from prewriting to development to revision Students also get help with research, information literacy, and grammar
Face-to-Face Tutoring CWE Students preparing for the CWE given chance to practice with topics similar to those on the exam Help offered for several stages: prewriting, writing, and proofreading. The focus is on creating a passable product in a 2 hour period.
Face-to-Face Tutoring Workshops on a variety of writing topics offered for small groups. Topics include: Academic Writing Various stages of the writing process Research and information literacy Grammar topics Exam preparation
Making an Appointment Students make appointments through an online scheduling interface. WC Online allows students to pick time and date as well as the tutor they would like to meet with They can access the schedule from anywhere and make appointments 24/7
Online Tutoring Online tutoring offered to all PCCC students through eTutoring.org Writing Center tutors trained to be etutors as well as face-to-face tutors Students in Writing Intensive courses required to use eTutoring at least twice during the course
eTutoring.org Online tutoring system made of several consortiums nationwide. 30+ colleges in the Northeast Consortium Made up of both 2 and 4-year colleges Shared resources; each college provides tutors Writing tutoring asynchronous: submission and response system
eTutoring.org Tutors address essays from any of the participating colleges Tutors address essays on any subject. Students may submit any single assignment up to 3 times for comments Tutors have specific guidelines on what to address for each draft (1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd ) Comments in the form of a 1 page letter at the beginning and embedded comments throughout
Face-to-Face vs. Online Benefits: Face-to-Face One-on-one time with a living person Ability to ask questions on the spot Students make physical corrections to papers rather than tutors Help for people uncomfortable with or don’t have access to computers Benefits: eTutoring 24/7 access for students Remote access Distance and online students School closings Travel Fast turnaround of essays: hours Good for students uncomfortable working face-to-face
Face-to-Face vs. Online Benefits: Face-to-Face Ability to make appointments; students guaranteed a specific time slot Students get as much help as desired for assignments Students choose tutor they prefer to work with Benefits: eTutoring Several points of view on a single assignment: Essays submitted for multiple drafts have a different tutor for each draft Students directed to websites for additional help: unlimited resources and expertise Tutors (to a certain extent) choose essays relates to their areas of expertise
Student writes a draft of essay Draft is submitted to eTutoring Student brings etutor comments to the Writing Center and reviews comments with a tutor Student then revises the draft, either in the Writing Center or on his/her own and resubmits to eTutoring. The cycle continues….
Benefits to Students Assistance with/explanation of tutor comments Tutoring sessions are more productive (both face-to-face and online) eTutoring gives an overview of issues with an essay. Students can then go through the essay with a tutor to find instances of these problems and workshop how to correct them.
Benefits to Students Ability to revise with a tutor present to assist Both long term and immediate feedback on revisions Ability to rework a draft (with guidance) at least 5 times Assurance that tutor suggestions are valid On-the-spot technical support for eTutoring problems
Benefits to Staff Writing Center Administrators Ability to track students’ progress through WI courses WC tutors write reports on each session; hybrid system allows administrators to see reports that include eTutoring Writing Center Tutors Tutors don’t have to look at an essay “cold” Tutor comments born out by etutor comments, and vice versa Tutors have structure and guidance for their live sessions based on etutor comments
Benefits to Instructors By the time the instructor sees the essay, it’s significantly improved. Instructors can spend less time on grading. Papers are easier to read. There is less to mark/correct. Validation for instructor as his/her comments born out by professional writing tutors
Looking to the Future Hybrid system started informally in the Fall 2008 semester; result of student need and faculty input System formalized for this semester in the Writing Center The hope is to make it a part of the course requirements for future WI courses
PCCC Writing Intensive Courses Introduction to Literature Introduction to Psychology Western Civilization I Western Civilization II Spring 2009
PCCC Writing Intensive Courses Introduction to Critical Thinking in a Diverse World Introduction to Philosophy Introduction to Political Science Music Appreciation To Be Added in Fall 2009
Contact Info Elizabeth Nesius
Thank you!