Implement Steering Implement Monitoring TrueGuide™ TrueTracker™
Different Types of Implement Guidance Implement monitoring Monitor & record implement location in real time TrueGuide (Passive Implement Steering) Control the implement by moving the tractor GPS position on the implement, corrected with NavII on tractor TrueTracker (Active Implement Steering) Mechanically steer implement to follow exact path of tractor GPS position on implement, corrected on implement
Implement Monitoring
Implement Monitoring Trimble components FmX Implement components TrueGuide plug-in is free to use in implement monitor mode 2nd GPS Receiver unlock and cables – utilize 30 day temporary passcodes to demo product to customers. Mounting pole Roll Correction applied from Nav Controller Implement components None required
Implement monitoring Manual Guidance or EZsteer AgGPS FmX display Cabling Mast AgGPS FmX display Ag25 Antenna Manual Guidance or EZsteer
Passive Steering Tractor makes corrections for implement drift TrueGuide Passive Steering Tractor makes corrections for implement drift
TrueGuide Trimble components Implement components FmX TrueGuide unlock Receiver unlock and cables Mounting pole Implement components None required
TrueGuide Key Facts Passive Implement Guidance Reduces Implement XTE – applies “AUTO” vehicle nudge to position implement Typically 50% improvement in implement XTE Plug-in Unlock fee + second receiver unlock. For use with AutoPilot™. Contact sales managers for a FmX 30 day unlock code to demo to prospective customers. My planter drifts on hills and my guess rows are narrow and wide in the same pass. It’s moving leaving skips and overlaps which cost me money. The cost of elite hybrid corn seed will exceed $300.00 per bag ($100/ac) this spring and soybean seed can exceed $50.00 per bag ($50.00/ac). Minimizing overlap is critical for maximum yields and profits.
TrueGuide - How does it work? Control tractor based on combined input of tractor and implement location System observes position of implement, compares it to position of tractor and steers tractor left or right to guide implement back to the line Inexpensive (no extra Nav II, no extra hydraulics) Immediate results
TrueGuide – Where and how can it be used? Vehicle types supported MFWD - tractors Tracked tractors 4wd Articulated tractors Line types Straights – very high level of performance Identical curves – limitation on tightness of curve Pivots – not tested but same principle as curves Where can it not be used today? FreeForm – records the tractor position not the implement Headlands with tight turns
TrueGuide components AgGPS® AUTOPILOT™ RTK Auto guidance system AgGPS FMX display AgGPS NavController II AgGPS® TRUEGUIDE™ Trimble Kit Cabling Mast Ag25 Antenna
TrueGuide – User Interface Has it’s own aggressiveness Can be turned on or off at anytime Waits approximately two lengths of the implement for the tractor to react Can be forced on at anytime by pressing the Auto button a second time
TrueGuide Setup – What to Know Autopilot tractor must have good calibration for optimal performance Autopilot that is tuned very aggressively may need standard calibration. Set Autopilot Online Aggressiveness to 100%. Roll Calibration of Autopilot must be correct
TrueGuide Setup Correct Implement Geometry entered No backward offsets Minimize forward offset Left/right better alternative Aggressiveness – Starting Target Range 30-300% Normal 50% Slow Speed 70% Steep Slopes 70% Hi Speed operations > 12kmh 33% Decreasing TrueGuide aggressiveness smoothes the response for moving vehicle offline. Autopilot acquires the line before transition to TrueGuide.
TrueGuide – Field Experiences Biggest challenges Tight curves Quick changes in terrain Curves that change radius quickly High speeds Best practices Keep the antenna as close to the pivot as possible Reduce the antenna height Use stabilizers – coulters to make the lateral movement of the implement more predictable
TrueGuide – How to Measure it’s Performance Conditions effect performance Sloping terrain Stability of the implement Changing curves Use implement monitoring to gauge the drift of an implement TrueGuide reduces drift by 50% or better, for example: 8” to 4”
Best TrueGuide Practices Achieved at speeds of 0-8 mph Mount implement antenna low and stable. Watch for antenna blockage. When used with an implement that has increased draft / heavy pull like tillage tools, ground prep, air seeders, etc. TrueGuide is not designed to work on row crop cultivation. This operation requires TrueTracker.
TrueGuide – FAQ’s Can I use a different correction on the implement? No What comes in the TrueGuide cabling kit and unlock? Cabling for a 40’ implement and a cable for the FmX to hitch Antenna hardware Are there extensions? Yes, see FmX cabling guide When will Articulated support be ready – v5.13 Nav II Will TrueGuide replace my TrueTracker market? No, TrueGuide cannot replace repeatable sub-inch performance in all conditions
TrueTracker™ Active steering - The tractor holds the line and the implement steers itself
Why TrueTracker ? Precision and accuracy at the implement Curved rows Hill sides Control in Reverse Repeatable implement pattern Inter-row seeding Planting Cultivation Side Dressing Row Crops Fertilizer placement Strip tillage Harvest
TrueTracker Active Implement Steering via hydraulic articulation. Introduced 5 years ago – has become the performance standard for Implement Steering. Perception from customers is that it only works with steering coulters like the Orthman Tracker IV. But there are many options……….. I strip till in the fall and plant to the fertilizer in the spring. I want to get the most out of my fertilizer and cultivate, side dress, or harvest the same rows later in the crop cycle. Reduce fertilizer Return in spring to place seed within an inch of your fertilizer or seedbed Steer any implement TramLines Controlled Traffic Where are the roots? Where should fertilizer be? Phils study: By reducing distance from planter row to center strip till zone 8” to 1” gain 19% increase in yield. Studies show Tramlines - save seed – If it is the implement placing the seed steering the implement to place is as important as steering the tractor so that the tramlines are used most efficiently on future passes - set up guidance patterns for future operations For no till environments Minimize compaction with trailing implements And vehicles
TrueTracker Orthman Tracker IV & Shadow Tracker Tongue Steer – like ETS Soil Warrior Load Bearing – Potato planter 3pt Side shift – like Ag Navigator 3pt Articulating - like Sunco I strip till in the fall and plant to the fertilizer in the spring. I want to get the most out of my fertilizer and cultivate, side dress, or harvest the same rows later in the crop cycle. Reduce fertilizer Return in spring to place seed within an inch of your fertilizer or seedbed Steer any implement TramLines Controlled Traffic Where are the roots? Where should fertilizer be? Phils study: By reducing distance from planter row to center strip till zone 8” to 1” gain 19% increase in yield. Studies show Tramlines - save seed – If it is the implement placing the seed steering the implement to place is as important as steering the tractor so that the tramlines are used most efficiently on future passes - set up guidance patterns for future operations For no till environments Minimize compaction with trailing implements And vehicles
TrueTracker Trimble components Implement components FmX TrueTracker unlock Nav II + platform kit Receiver unlock Cable kit included in platform kit Mounting pole Implement components Steering platform kit 10 platform kits available for all implement types Accessories available a la cart for customizing to your implement needs
AgGPS TrueTracker – Steering Coulters AgGPS® AUTOPILOT™ RTK Auto guidance system AgGPS® TRUETRACKER™ Trimble Kit AG25 Antenna AgGPS FmX Display AgGPS NavController II AG25 Antenna Cabling Orthman Tracker IV steering coulters AgGPS NavController II +
Implement Steering Kits Towed implements with steerable rear wheels Towed implements with steerable coulter disks
AgGPS TrueTracker - Tongue Steering Trimble Kit AgGPS® AUTOPILOT™ RTK Auto guidance system Ag25 Antenna AgGPS FmX display AgGPS NavController II Hyd valve Ag25 Antenna Cabling Steering sensor OEM Rear steering – Potato planter Mast and Nav II Enclosure AgGPS NavController II
AgGPS TrueTracker – Rear Steering Trimble Kit AgGPS® AUTOPILOT™ RTK Auto guidance system Ag25 Antenna AgGPS FmX display AgGPS NavController II Hyd valve Ag25 Antenna Cabling Steering sensor OEM Rear steering – Potato planter Mast and NavII Enclosure AgGPS NavController II
AgGPS TrueTracker - Sunco Trimble Kit AgGPS® AUTOPILOT™ RTK Auto guidance system AG25 Antenna AgGPS FmX display AgGPS NavController II AG25 Antenna Cabling Sunco Acura Trak 3-point guidance system AgGPS NavController II +
AgGPS TrueTracker – Side Shift Trimble Kit AgGPS® AUTOPILOT™ RTK Auto guidance system Ag25 antenna AgGPS FimXr display AgGPS NavController II Ag25 antenna Cabling Hyd valve AgGPS NavController II Mast and NavII Enclosure
AgGPS TrueTracker - Side Shift 3-point hitch implements with shiftable device installed between the 3-point hitch and the implement