Questions  Are you doing any part-time jobs? Why - why not?  What would you do if you wanted to get a part-time job?  What kind of part-time jobs are.


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Presentation transcript:

Questions  Are you doing any part-time jobs? Why - why not?  What would you do if you wanted to get a part-time job?  What kind of part-time jobs are available for students in Serbia?  Do you think you can handle both a part-time job and your studies?

Please watch the video and think about The tips in How to get a job Talk about them.

Vacancies Companies advertise the vacant position in a national newspaper or on a jobs website. A job advertisement contains concise information on:  the job opening,  duties and requirements,  the deadline for submission. They also use employment or recruitment agencies and outside specialists called headhunters.

Job application The hiring process starts with job application. It can be made either by:  completing an application form  sending in a Curriculum Vitae – CV (a resume Am.E).

CV It is a written compilation of candidate’s:  education,  work experience,  credentials,  skills  accomplishments.

CV A CV is a marketing tool used to promote ourselves to potential employers for the purpose of obtaining an interview. It needs to be consistent, concise, clear and easy to read.

Types of CVs  chronological,  functional,  targeted CVs.

A chronological CV  starts by listing your work history in reverse chronological order with your current, or most recent job, first.

A functional CV  focuses on your skills and experience, rather than on your chronological work history.

A targeted CV  specifically highlights the experience and skills relevant to the job you are applying for.

A cover letter  A cover letter (a job application letter) accompanies the CV.  It provides additional information on your skills and experience and the reasons for your interest in the specific organization.  A cover letter should complement, not duplicate, your CV and add a personal touch.

Procedures  Upon receiving job applications, companies start looking at the background of candidates  The most interested candidates may be invited to a group discussion before conducting screening interviews with each candidate.

Testing  Companies may also decide to conduct pre- employment tests to assess the applicants’ intelligence and personality.  The types of tests and selection procedures depend on the job opening.  The tests include cognitive tests, personality tests, medical examinations, sample job tasks, physical ability tests, etc.

A job interview  Attending a job interview requires good preparation.  Firstly, it is essential to prepare responses for the typical interview questions.  You are supposed to impress the interviewer with your knowledge, confidence and expertise.

Thank you letter  You will also discover about the company and the job which you can include specific points in the responses you give.  After each interview in the interviewing process, it is important to follow-up by sending a letter or an to your interviewers thanking them for taking the time to meet with and reiterating your interest in the vacancy.

Interview  If these are positive, the shortlisted candidates are invited for more interviews to discuss their experience, skills, work history, availability, and the qualifications the company is seeking.

Shortlist  Successful applicants are then shortlisted and their references are checked by contacting their referees – previous employers, teachers and others who provided the applicant with a recommendation letter.

In the process of job hunting it is important to:  know the process,  learn the steps to completing a successful job search,  review the “must have” marketing tools,  introduce job hunting resources,  prepare to start search.

Job Hunting Resources  Family & Friends  They know of your interests and abilities and think best  Networking  Make use of personal connections when searching for job opportunities (teachers, coaches, family friends, etc.)  “Help Wanted” Listings  Newspaper, online

Job Hunting Resources  Employment Agencies  Help people find jobs by matching applicants’ qualifications with job openings  Public agencies are free; Private agencies charge fees  Career Counselors & Advisors  At schools and at colleges  Employment Websites  Post your resume so employers can search for you ,,

Is That Job Right For You? 1. Evaluate yourself. 2. Evaluate the job.

Evaluate Yourself  What skills do you have to offer?  Are they transferable skills?  Are they job-specific skills?

Evaluate Yourself  Identify career and life values, goals and objectives  What sort of job am I looking for?  Where do I want to work and value in my work?  Realistically assess your strengths, weaknesses, skills, and abilities

Evaluate The Job  Identify and rank information on companies:  Are they the largest?  Fastest growing?  Most profitable?  Research annual reports

Evaluate The Job  Required education or training  Do you need a college degree? Will there be on-the-job training?  Compensation and benefits  What is the wage/salary? Is there potential for raises?  Fringe Benefit: Something you receive at little or no cost (paid vacation, sick leave, child care, health insurance, etc.)

Evaluate The Job  Nature of the work  What is your job description? What will you be doing?  Working conditions  The work environment.  Inside or outside? Independently or with others?  Location (commute)? Work schedule? Travel requirements?  Job outlook  Are there jobs available? Are there future opportunities in this occupation?

 Good luck.