SUNY College at Oneonta Career Development Center Finding a Part-Time Job
Types of Employment for Students Federal Work Study (FWS) Approximately three hundred students are awarded FWS positions each semester. FWS is a need based program, and students are assigned positions based on preference requests. Temp-Service Temp-Service positions are on-campus, and nearly 1,300 students are employed each year. All positions are posted through NACElink. Off-Campus Nearly 100 part-time positions within the local community are posted through NACElink during the academic year. All off- campus positions are within the local bus route.
What is NACElink? NACElink is a national recruiting network and suite of web based recruiting and career services automation tools serving the needs of colleges, employers and job candidates. Students can view part-time on and off-campus positions, internships, and full-time employment opportunities at the convenience of their home computer.
Instructions for Logging in: Go to: Password = “preferred” address The username can be found in the body of your NACElink Welcome Message, or click on forgot password and you will be ed a new one. NOTE: if you have trouble signing in please and provide a detailed description of the issue.
How to search for part-time jobs: Click on the “Jobs and Internships” tab to start searching for positions
“SUNY Jobs” vs. “NACElink Network Click on “SUNY Jobs” to view positions posted specifically for SUNY Oneonta students (part- time positions can be found here). For internships and Full-time positions posted for all NACElink viewers click on “NACElink Extended Job Search”.
Sorting Part-Time Jobs: 1.Part-Time positions can be easily sorted using the position type tab. 2.Once you click on sort, you can then alphabetize the employers by clicking on the arrow located next to the “Employer Tab”
Available Positions Summary: If you click on the employer you are interested in you will then have the ability to view current available positions. Click on the job title to receive more information such as details, rate of pay, and how to apply.
“How to Apply” You MUST read all details and follow the instructions on “How to Apply”. Failure to follow instructions could jeopardize your chances of getting hired. You can also choose to print or add the position to your favorites to easily locate it at another time.
So You’ve Been Hired?!?! Congratulations! Please update the Student Employment Service Survey on NACElink, or with the following information: Employer Name: Job Title: Date of Hire: Anticipated End Date: Hours Per Week: Pay Rate:
Questions? Please or call the Career Development Center at (607) Monday through Friday
Multi-Task with NACElink: Find Internship Opportunities Search for Full-time Employment Upload your Resume for a CDC Staff Member to Critique Search for helpful Documents in the Document Library Stay Current on Upcoming Events NETWORK “PLAN FOR SUCCESS”